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Posts posted by andewhall

  1. Quote:

    If i see one more Andy Warhol collaboration i am going to scream!!!!

    The Andy Warhol Foundation has put together a proposal that has been going to every clothing brand around the world whoring this collaboration program with Warhol's work. Pay a royalty and you can put it on toilet paper...

    It is making Warhol's work boring and overplayed (more so over played than it already was).

    I wonder if he would see it as the ultimate work of pop art that his work is plastered over a thousand half assed products or just lazy people who have run out of ideas grasping at the last collaboration straw...

    Can someone please kill all collaborations now! All the good ones were done a long time ago...

    Is anyone else sick of them?

    --- Original message by Superdutch on Aug 25, 2005 04:04 PM

    I totally agree, he's probably turning in his grave due the bastartisation of his work, as too will Michael Hutchence, INXS rock star???? I couldn't beleive it when that came on TV, what a sell out of a great band, it just ruins the mystery and vibe of the real INXS. It's all about the Jack Dash. But who am I to judge? Rock on old school. Ande Whall very similar to Andy Warhol
  2. You have to take into consideration all the costs in those 50 buck tees. Basic print tee..... lets say they get the tee for $10, printing say $2-5 depending on colours/application, swing tags/labels say $2 , packaging/shipping etc, maybe 1 buck each=$17 bucks, sell them wholesale mark up approx 50% at $25. The store wacks on anywhere between 70-100%.....bam 50 buck tee retail. Also not taking screen set costs, time to design the graphic, all the the organization, sales, traveling, phone calls. Its not much scratch for a whole lota work.

    DCTMFC, you are a rebel with out a pause son

    Edited by andewhall on Aug 25, 2005 at 05:24 PM

  3. Big ups to Mighty healthy, you handled this thread like a true Gent

    It was a very interesting read, good points on both sides. Its nice to see this thing is slowly getting resolved and some love coming in late in the peace.

    If you don't hear from the Rae dude, you could get one of those voice detection programmes like on CSI?

  4. Quote:

    The only thing that comes to mind when I see those hunting prints is Ford F-150's, beer in cans, and rebel flags.

    --- Original message by Letters on Aug 13, 2005 10:25 PM

    Whats wrong with beer in a can?
  5. I had the same beef with my Vans, I got some girls ones but they were too small, then got some 9's, they are a bit sloppy but comfortable. I think you should stick wit the 8's man. You do get used to them and they kinda mold in after a while. There is nothing worse than shoes that are too small and end up giving your toes greif

  6. Hey Witts. I did alot of research online and went to quite a few stores before I purchased a digi cam. Ended up buying a Fuji, Finepix 5500. Its a really good camera, 4mega pixels but apparently pumps out more due to hexagonal pixels or something like that. Its black and SLR style and you can buy additional lenses etc. It worked out the cheapest for the features, check them out, I rate them.

  7. A little peice from the book "The kid stays in the picture" by Bob Evans.

    "Thanks to the combination of Hollywood notoriety and newfound green, New York became far more freindly. When my mother passed away, I moved into a townhouse on East Sixty-seventh off Fifth Avenue, complete with elevator, two terraces, and three skylights. It was there I discovered a new passion - interior design - and learned that background makes foreground. If I was paid too many compliments on the tie I was wearing, it would immediately go in the shredder. The tie is there for me to look better, not for me to make the tie look better. If my drawing room's eghteenth - century armoire was given too much attention, off to Sotherby's it went. Again, the armoire is there to enhance the drawing room, not the reverse. That's what background makes foreground is all about."

    When I read this I imediately thought of you guys and your APC's vs crazy full on bells and whisle jeans

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