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Posts posted by andewhall

  1. The all over print tee is interesting, I looks as though it was printed after the tee was made up as the print runs over the neckband. Did anyone spot the the Green/Yellow version, it looks like it smudged down the bottom?

    I usually think of boxy as not much shape through the armholes, very rectanglar, sleeves to long and loose......generally not a good fit, like a sac with two other squares sewn on the side for sleeves.....ha

  2. Hey DCTMFC, do you draw much? I may be old school but I just love pen on paper, seems to be losing a bit to computers. My advice would be to draw heaps, study graphics, quality of line, shading techniques, colour, application of different media etc. There must be some good art schools, Programmes in your area too. Get drawing buddy, we wanna see some pics!

  3. Quote:

    Mangina, sorry i'm not from english speaking country what does this mean?

    Check out imperials site, its only beta version at the moment

    www.imperial.st '> www.imperial.st

    --- Original message by johninger on Sep 19, 2005 12:31 AM

    Mangina == Man vagina

    He is rockin' a male camel toe.

    Imperial site:

    "The page cannot be found

    The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. "

    --- Original message by tangerine on Sep 19, 2005 12:34 AM

    Male camel toe.........commonly known as a mamaltoe
  4. They seem to be styled exactly the same as Nudies, stitching detail, belt loops etc. Having the selvage cut right to the top of the waistband? This would mean the outside leg is straight all the way up which doesn't give you alot of Jeans to hang on your hips? I always thought it was extreme having a straight outer leg as it is (selvage). Also the front looks the same width as the back, or even wider creating that "around the corner" look on the front pockets. Most well cut Jeans have the back cut wider so the outside seams fall more middle/front of the leg. Getting a bit critical arn't I.....nice Jeans all the same

  5. Quote:

    This thread is bs. How come Americans were all up on GAP 3-4 years ago!? Then A&F. Then something else. Japanese just place more emphasis on quality and outer appearence compared to their Western counterparts. That's why Japanese brands are so pimp because it has quality written all over them. They never skim on production quality on their goods. Plus, they are amazing at re-interpreting Western influences as well and making it there own. Why is it that Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Koreans are always up on Japanese fashion's nuts? Because the rest of Asia can't make anything their own and create a cultural phenomenon. Japanese are creative mother-fuckers. They just explode with all these crazy ideas that sometimes are just nuts?! Rei Kuwakubo, Junya Wanatabe, Issey Miyake, etc. These high-fashion designers are always pushing the envelope of what is considered "fashion". That's why they are so dope. That's also why Japanese dress better than Americans. The average American can't dress worth shit. But then again, the majority don't give a fuck cuz they know American still kicks the ass of any other nation in the world. Perhaps arm-race superiority has made us lazy...ok I'm just rambling now...

    --- Original message by djrajio on Sep 15, 2005 09:43 PM

    "But then again, the majority don't give a fuck cuz they know American still kicks the ass of any other nation in the world."

    Eeeeehhhhhhh??????? Can you please explain

  6. Quote:





    --- Original message by dontcaretoomuchforcrap on Sep 14, 2005 11:17 PM

    Witts and DCTMFC wear one of these each when they hang at the mall
  7. Hey Dn'W, that sounds pretty cool. How much is it, just out of interest? Have you seen the photos on the Yen website I think it is, Japanese co. anyway.......I could be wrong, anyway there were pic's of the guys hand weaving denim for those super expensive Jeans, and all natural indigo etc. It has been covered on here before, looks really time consuming. It would be a great old guy hobbie huh, make 20 pairs of Jeans a year, haha, and sell them for exorbitant prices

  8. Good stuff adsurgo, singer makes a good machine huh. I just got a cover seamer the other day, haven't had a chance to have a blast on it yet.

    You can make Jeans with a plain sewer and an overlocker, but there are also a massive variety of machines you can use, or factories can use to make em. Cover seamers for belt loops, chainstitchers, bar tack machines, walking foot machines for super heavy denim, flat felled seam attachments. I think there is also fully automated patch pocket machines.....I would like to see one of those going. There are probably more fully automated machines.

  9. Quote:

    go for it... u gona show us your vintage shuttle loom u make your denim on ...

    --- Original message by witts on Sep 13, 2005 02:27 PM

    Typical Witts with the smart alec calls.......can you make the denim on your shuttle loom man, I want 25oz hand made, natural indigo dye from a hidden forest in the amazon with double metalic rainbow selvage.......I expect delivery tomorrow witts
  10. Quote:

    Most people here are considered "smart shoppers".

    We tend to observe what others are wearing just because we are into fashion.

    Therefore we'll notice it when someone's wearing the same thing or brand.

    My cousin was wearing Onitsuka's and I said "Nice Onitsuka's" he had NO clue what I was talking about.

    If I was wearing the same sneaker he wouldn't notice and couldn't care less.

    People like us and women at dress-up affairs pay attention to what people are wearing.

    --- Original message by dagsolo on Sep 12, 2005 02:08 PM

    This is one classic thread, two guys fighting and this call, "people like us and women" haha, thanks man that made me laugh, it's so true. And the chicks and kicks call haha and the Superfuture wardrobe, Supreme sweat, apc's and dunks. Back on the subject, no I never see other cats wearing the same gears as me
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