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Posts posted by Spike

  1. No idea, it's when they start switching from F/W to S/S ranges

    It would probably be crazy on Neighborhood/Supreme/etc. day, but quieter on w(taps/ACR/Visvim day. I don't know, there's usually not much great stuff in the sale because it's literally the stock that they just could not shift over 6 months

  2. I thought that wayne had lost the box of shirts somewhere in his apartment? It's a shame I can't stand legible text on my clothing or I'd be all over one of these... I'm guessing you'd all hurt me if I bought one of these and then removed the screenprint

    Heh, part of me just thought, while this looks fully legitimate, if it wasn't this would probably be the best SF scam ever... getting most of the board to Paypal $60 into your account for "the last t-shirts" then running

  3. My 1955s served me very well for a year... although they are very anti-fit on the seat. So if you're looking for something fitted then the 47s are a better bet, for a more relaxed fit, 55. Oh, and if you have the patience (I managed to go for a year!) to not give them a proper hot wash, the fading is pretty awesome. I'll post pics once I've repaired mine, I keep on burning little holes in them

  4. Stuff at the upper end of the Canon Powershot/Ixus range... gets very good picture quality. Check reviews and whatnot for the details, the only thing I really miss on them is shutterspeed control

  5. This is crazy, I don't know what the fuck they're feeding girls in the USA because all the UK pill does is prevent the egg from sticking to the lining of the womb (much like a really quick one-shot version of the regular Pill). No pain, no baby. The US version sounds like a mini-abortion tablet. Weird

  6. mike, did you get hit with anything when I sent you the bag?

    For anyone interested, I'm running the same kind of service for puchasing stuff in London and the UK... costs are very low, I pretty much just add 4% for Paypal and round up a little. Have access to all sorts of pretty fun stuff, like Hideout, DSM, Selfridges etc. I'm gonna launch in full when I get back from Paris (anyone want anything from Paris? Heh) in January, but if people have any requests I can probably get a few more packages out this side of Christmas

  7. nairb, if you decide you're less than happy with either the Acronym or the Junya x Goretex, drop me a line... ;) You got that ACR from right under my nose, I was all happy because I was the first to post!

    My latest aquisition was a tasty 05/06 Acronym GT J7... I'll get some better pictures of it when the camera I bought finally arrives


    Oh, and purchased some tickets to go to Paris for a week over New Year's Eve

  8. At those sizes these would definitely fit you. The legs are actually cut kinda fullish, so no, they aren't tight on me at all. The hem is about 8" and the legs are really straight, my closest reference would be that for my size, the fit is close to 21cm Diors or Eternal 811s. With your size I'd actually think that they'd actually fit kinda loose, but not baggy at all

  9. A lot - mine are tagged 30 and I've got them resting on my hips very comfortably (my hips are 32/33) Wasn't comfortable for the first few days, but completely worth it. I've heard people talking about them stretching up to 4", but if that's the waist (and not hip) size aimed for it'll look odd around the thigh. So I'd say that if you're up to 32 (or only juuust a 33) they'll work

  10. Anyone wanting a brand new medium GT-J11 in "petrol black" (I'd call it a shade of green, personally!), I can provide for 400GBP (about $780 at the current rate) shipped international Airmail

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