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Jim Cissell

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Posts posted by Jim Cissell

  1. The carrot-shape was an interesting analogy. What shape would you liken the 1947, and the newer 'anti-fit' versions to?

    Just curious... as I'm trying to decide which cut to load-up on.

    Thanks, Jim

    Jim Cissell

  2. When did the 501 jeans get their lap-felled inseam, and why?

    It appears to be a much stronger, neater seam, and it's odd they dropped that detail on the 'anti-fit' model, in my view. I understand the anti-fit 501 was a take-off from the 1947 model (which was well before that lap-felled addition), but it still strikes me as a detail that should have been included forward...

    Any thoughts?


    Jim Cissell

  3. It's looking questionable for the LVC fall line. I've tried to rder a pair of rigid 1947-501s from my usual source (Deco Denim). Last week, it appeared that they were available, but now I'm hearing they may not.

    I've also heard rumors (on this board) that there is trouble getting the product line available. They still have their spring'05 line-up on their site - no fall stuff yet, and you'd think it would be out by now.

    Does anyone have any hard info on the LVC fall'05 status?



    Jim Cissell

  4. I have used DecoDenim in the years past. When Levi's first released their (dry) 1947 501 jean, I ordered a few pairs thru them. They are an 'official' dealer of Levi's and can do special orders of all their products.

    I called them the other day, but apparently their distributor doesn't have the new fall line available as of yet.

    Their number is 800.505.3847(ext.3), or you can Google them for the on-line store...


    Jim Cissell

  5. It appears my first post didn't work...!

    I was hoping if anyone could verify if the new LVC fall line-up will include the 1947 (dry) 501 model again? The Levi's folks (1-800 line) didn't know yet, and their website doesn't show the fall line.

    Any word? Thanks,


    Jim Cissell

  6. I've noticed that everyone refers to the Levi's Vintage Collection jeans as reproductions.

    Wouldn't it be more correct to call them reissues, as the same company that made the 'originals' are indeed producing the 'repops'?

    Just a thought,


    Jim Cissell

  7. Is the currently available, post-anniversary-issue, 'anti-fit' 501 model made with a lighter-weight denim than years past? They just feel thinner, and don't seem to offer the drape of the last version, for example. I believe the previous model (before the so-called anti-fit) was a 14 oz. denim, but these newer ones seem more like 12 oz, or something.

    Any thoughts on the matter?

    Thanks, Jim

    Jim Cissell

  8. Greetings - I was wondering if anyone knows what year (or era) the trimmist fitting 501 jeans model is? Does the fairly recent version (right before the 2003 anti-fit debut, or does the 1947 model still win?

    Thanks, Jim

    Jim Cissell

  9. Is it my imagination, or does the current 501 model ('anti-fit' styling) seem of a lesser quality than the previous one? They feel lighter in fabric weight, the inseam is a a compromise (although I understand its a nod to the 1947 model) and it also seems a tad shorter than the size marked.

    Any ideas? Jim

    Jim Cissell

  10. Just for an interesting discussion, what does everyone think will eventually happen with Levi's? They've gotten some of their costs under control, but probably still a long way off from being rock solid again. Do you think they'll focus more on the low-end (Wal-Mart/Target) market, or stay the current course of straddling both fences?

    Does the current 501 model look to remain what it is now indefinitly, or is there hope for a subtle upgrade in quality, at least?

    How about the LVC division? A bright future, or too expensive to maintain given the returns...


    Jim Cissell

  11. Actually they still offer the 'hard' unwashed denim (Sanforized) model and the slightly one-wash version - all 100% cotton and very much like the old days. You can get them cheap at 'Tractor Supply', among other places, and they are the still the heavy 14.75 to 15oz denim, depending on their finish.

    I did see earlier that Wrangler Europe offers the original-original '11' model, but the '13' really isn't far off, except for the zipper. It truly hasn't hardly changed.

    Well made, and worth another look-see, my friends.


    Jim Cissell

  12. Sorry folks - for some reason my message was TOTALLY deleted!

    My question was what is everyone's consenous on the Wrangler 'Cowboy' (13MWZ) jeans, compared with other 'cool' staples such as Levi's and the like? I realize the 13MWZ has been officially adopted by the Rodeo Association, as well by most modern cowboys in general; but aside from that it still seems like a rather viable, authentic denim style that you simply never hear much about.

    Given the notion it probably has undergone less change than the 501 model (since 1947 when the 13MWZ was introduced) and the interesting fact that is has retained the back-pocket rivets and features the durable lap-felled outer seams; which both details in my opinion are VERY vintage and cool - (BTW, I wish the Levi's 501 model was still offered that way without going the more expensive LVC route).

    I've just wondered why it simply isn't considered more cool than it is - if you size them correctly (not too tight) they don't come off too 'western' to me, and they are right up there with the traditional American jean. And what is more authentically American than blue jeans?!

    Anyway, I'd just like to hear some other opinions on the subject, and get a more global take on these particular jeans...



    Jim Cissell

  13. Greetings.

    Does anyone have a stateside source of the pre-'anti-fit' cut 501 jeans? I have tried MANY of the on-line jeans sources as I can, as well as all of my local stores, to no avail. When I call these places on the Web, I ask for the Levi's 501s (either shrink-to-fit or pre-shrunk models) with the white tag included under the orange (arcuate) tag. Obviously I should have grabbed some of these up when the new fit was being transitioned in. I was indeed aware of that new style, but ignored the situation...

    Any suggestions?



    Jim Cissell

  14. I was wondering if anyone has an accurate rundown on the various cuts - or designs - over the years of the 501 jeans? I understand that about every 10 years or so, Levi's tweaks their design of the 501s to reflect the taste of the times - subtle changes - but changes, nonetheless. This latest redesign supposedly takes its cue from the 1947 model - complete with the single-stitch inseam treatment. The cut prior to the 2003 revision was my favorite, but that is probably based on the fact I have been wearing it for a decade or so, and am simply used to it. Any insight into these design tweaks would be apprerciated...

    Thanks, Jim

    Jim Cissell

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