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Posts posted by TheIntelligentHoodwinker

  1. I recently tried on a pair of 1109xx and couldn't quite figure out the sizing on them.


    Normally (with sanforized) jeans I tend to buy a 30, which stretches out to be a comfortable fit. With the FC, in size 31 I could get about 2-3 figures in the waist quite easily - and with size 30, it was more like 1-2 fingers worth of space.


    Does anyone have experience with the 1109xx in terms of how they shrink?


    I usually wear a 31 but always go down one size in Fullcount 1109xx. They will stretch back out to fit your waist.

  2. I definitely see both sides. I would love to have the balls to open a shop selling something that I was really interested in. But I will say that I don't like the fact that many of these shops see themselves as gatekeepers for certain brands when many of us were familiar with them long before they opened their doors.


    I'm approaching 40 and like many men my age I'm in a groove with what I wear nowadays - I have essentials that I wear to death and then replace. I order my Vans Authentics off Amazon and my Gitman Vintage oxfords from wherever has them on sale. I also like slimish fitting jeans, around 15oz in weight, that are made in Japan, and I've narrowed it down to maybe 2 brands and a handful of cuts. I just want them at the most reasonable price, and sent to my house, so I can wear them into the ground and get another pair.


    You cannot convince me that £299.00 is a reasonable amount to pay for a pair of jeans, no matter how cool the shop is. Sorry, but no.

  3. Since Denimio is adding brand after brand to their portfolio at the speed of light (latest addition: UES), what do you guys think they add next?

    Or which brand you want them to add to their portfolio?

    Or which brand they shouldn’t add and why?


    I just hope they keep selling Full Count, although stock seems to be running low.


    It is bad that they're hurting bricks & mortar places, but I've been buying Japanese denim since 1999 and it's only now that I can do it affordably.

  4. Sorry to bring the topic back to Full Count (not living in NYC or London to be able to visit a B&M store we have these in Wales though! http://www.bmstores.co.uk


    Which is the slimmer cut a 1109 or a 1101? I've got a pair of 1108 but they are too relaxed/wide for my liking in the hem width but thigh etc is a great fit.


    1109 is slimmer. But they also do a 1110 cut which might be worth looking at? Slimmer in the ankle.


    And I'm afraid I'm another Denimio convert. I actually do most of my clothes shopping online now that lazy Saturdays wandering around town are a thing of the past. But most of it comes down to price - I have a few go-to jeans that I just buy when the old ones are dead. I know how they'll fit. £250-£300 is too much to spend on a garment with as short a lifespan as a pair of jeans. I have shoes that price that I will own forever.

  5. Ah, didn't realise you'd had them hemmed... Is there any excess leg length? I never find waist, or even thigh, shrinkage to be that problematic as it always seems to stretch back out. Less so with the leg obviously.

  6. How many times have you worn them? I always go a size down in 1109, but have never worn the 21oz. I'd be tempted to hot soak them, dry them, and then just get them on By Any Means Necessary. I've had jeans in the past that I've soaked and thought "Nah, no way", but after a while they're fine. Loose, even.

  7. Some pics of the Signet FC 1109xx. Started wearing them whenever they were delivered (9 months ago?). Worn 4-5 times a week, 3 machine washes.










    And thought I might as well soak the pair I had on ice...



  8. In 2002 I bought 2 pairs of selvedge Edwin Waynesvilles from Interstate in London. These were my gateway back to selvedge and into Japanese denim (the 'villes range was still made in Japan then). I no longer have them but I have another pair of Waynesvilles I bought in 2004 (from the 2003 production run).


    First pair was Edwin Nashville in 1999, also from Interstate. Hooked ever since.


    Also not a fan of Iron Heart. Jeans are OK, but I don't like the arcs. The shirts look really nicely made, but they're just not my style. 

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