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Posts posted by ChadR

  1. I am just a sophmore in college, so I haven't quite taken all the clases pertaining to disclaimerology (so I am taking the blame on this one) because it appears that my disclaimer was not sufficient. I just want to know how to bleach my jeans so that it does the least amount of damage.

  2. I've done it before by soaking some old jeans in a bucket of bleach overnight, and it made them white, but I think their may be a better way. Should I cut the bleach with water? How long? Wash it afterwards? Thanks!

    Disclaimer- I know that the idea of wearing white jeans may not seem very appealing to ya'll.

  3. Jens Lekman - It was a strange time in my life

    "People seem to think a shy personality equals gifted

    But if they would get to know one I'm sure that idea would have shifted

    Most shy people I know are extremely boring

    Either that or they are miserable from all the stuff they've been storing "

  4. What are your top ten songs to listen to while you run. The ones that really get you excited?

    concession statement: I know a similar thread was made in June ("music to work out to"), but I was hoping that this thread could be more upbeat indie/techno/pop music (a la LCD Soundsystem, Justice, TKO, Le tigre, ect..). It's just that I have been out of the proverbial music loop for two years and I was wondering if y'all could help me out.

    [it's been so long I can only do five, and they are mostly circa 2005]

    5. Kasabian- Club Foot

    4. Justice- D.A.N.C.E.

    3. Bloc Party- Banquet

    2. Arcade Fire- Lies (rebellion)

    1. RBD- Rebelde

  5. I went two years without wawa. It was hard. I love Nantucket Nectars Orange Mango, turkey hoagies, blueberry muffins, and their breakfast sandwiches. Wawa. Their aren't (obvisouly) any wawas in utah :(. I guess I will have to live on the east coast.

  6. 109445538_bdb603ed84_o.jpg

    La Vic's Orange Sauce in San Jose. That's pretty much what's going for them. Without it, they would be out of business.

    I would go Pizza my heart right by campus every week but never went to la vic! If I ever make it back, I am going to check out the sauce.

  7. Quote:
    Quote: I have muscular thighs.

    Oh baby

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on Aug 14, 2005 09:19 PM

    You know you love it, uh, beanpole? I never found insulting people for being skinny to be too effective.
  8. Quote:

    Chad, you made my day. I like the old and I like the new, but best of all I needed a laugh.

    --- Original message by kelvin on Aug 12, 2005 03:23 PM

    Haha, no you made my day.

    The Nudies are RR Dry Selvege (didn't say anything about greycast, but look really grey). I got them from Fos5.com. Those people are seriously great. Ordered on monday, 199.00 shipped, got them today, and love them. The APC's are Rescues, as Geowu and Brian stated earlier, and I am glad someone like my shoddy job on the bootcut!

  9. I love boot cuts. The reason I hated my apc's was the straightleg. Boot cuts fit people who aren't fat/thick/chubby, just not skinny realllly well. I wish I could rock jeans like brian, but there is no way. I also like how they cover the tops of my shoes/sandals. I don't like anything that can be confused with a taper (aka why I dislike acne jeans).

  10. my bad. umm, their washes are alright, some decent selvege, but no unwashed. gave my little brother my free pair, but they fit really well for those who aren't superthin.

    My area (mainline represent) is Abercrombie personified.

  11. Quote:


    ye, and dont you hate all those wankers that go into stores acting big just to show off there supreme denim knowledge...

    --- Original message by coolhunter on Aug 8, 2005 05:25 PM

    Yeah, I was about to say- seems like some pretty weak game hating on Abercrombie's jeans to try impress their employees.

    Oh right, being as I worked at Abercrombie untill two weeks ago, I actually know what their management is like. They don't tell you to have an air about you, to think you're better than anyone, or whatever you've heard. We're supposed to say "Hi", if you look like you are having trouble finding something we'll help you, but other than that, alot of people don't want to be bothered.

  12. I am into preppy style, but on the 15th I am going on a mission to san jose calif. So I will make the transition to suits. Just suits for two years. I have a nice looking Jos. A. Bank 2 button navy and a black 3 button Boss (I know they are disliked for quality issues, but it looks good and I honestly don't care much how I look).

    I have a question though, what kind of dress shoes should I get?

  13. Quote:

    how about a jeans with a bow-tie?


    --- Original message by dagsolo on Aug 8, 2005 09:07 AM

    I've done it before, but I left the bowtie untied, a la drunken walk of shame after a formal.
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