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Posts posted by ChadR

  1. I have a pair of APC Rescues I bought the 29th of April, and I've worn them pretty regularly. Last night they got dirty, and I was wondering if I should wash them, or dry clean them? I know most people wait the full 6 months before washing the jeans, but what would happen if I didn't?

  2. Quote:
    Quote: BTW are you Brian_SD on styleforum?


    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on May 13, 2005 08:01 AM

    Wooo, styleforum represent.
  3. None of these are the latest , but I am still listening to them, so I like them alot.

    The Epochs- Mouths To Feed

    Belle and Sebastian (because they're my favorite)- Everything they've done

    The Hidden Cameras- In The Union of Wine

    The Magnetic Fields- Washington, DC.

    A.C. Newman- On The Table

  4. I was at the A.P.C. on Mercer in NYC yesterday- i tried on some anglaise and they fit well- then I tried on some Rescues, they have plenty. Bought them too- the hotness.

  5. I would not do it to your A.P.C.'s. It thins out your denim and it takes a few washes in the machine to get the bleech smell out. I've done it twice with your standard mall brands (hollister and buckle-ew). I just put them in a bucket with Clorox and water (half and half or less) and let it sit for an hour or two. Watch them though, my second pair ended up gettting eaten when I tried to redo it.

  6. I know this is not exactly a supershopper appropriate thread, but since we have no dedicated denim forum and denim is extensivly discussed here, I am hoping you'll let it slide....

    But have any of you done anything do your denim? Pics? Ideas?

    I had a pair of jeans I bleached white (turned out pretty decent)- before you jump down my throat, it fit my style.

    I also did some tears in my jeans like the True Religion jeans with the long tears down the thigh (not really my style, just experimenting with the different ways to do it).

    What have ya'll done?

  7. Quote:

    I haven't even worn them yet so no washing yet either. I'm contemplating sending them back just because I'd like to wear the hell out of them but since I work in an office, I really won't get a chance to do it. If anyone is interested, I can let them go for $US75 (I originally paid 50pounds shipped to New York) Its gonna cost me a fair bit to send them back to the UK from NYC so I could set up an auction on ebay if anyone is interested in them. They are great jeans and its a shame that I won't ever get to break them in. Hmmm....maybe I should keep them....Howies you're making this too hard!

    --- Original message by peteyross on Apr 7, 2005 06:57 AM

  8. Quote:

    my personal tastes would have me leaning to the APC, I already own a pair of the anglais and I think that nudie's have plain old too much shit going on in regards to the stitching on the back pockets.

    not feeling it one bit.

    --- Original message by poobrowne on Apr 5, 2005 04:32 PM

    Couldn't one just tear out the back stiching with a seam ripper? I am considering that if I go Nudie instead of A.P.C.
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