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Posts posted by djrajio

  1. Turns out that Revamp runs blue bottle, Krispy Kreme, and cold stone. Apparently, they are bring auntie Ann's (whatever that mall pretzel joint is called). Apparently, their marketing philosophy is "the longer the line, the better."

    Yeah, Ron Herman is definitely the IT select shop for the rich and yuppies. I still don't understand how that store became such a huge popular enterprise. I guess they came in and did the right thing at the right time. It's one of the earliest lifestyle shops with clearly defined theme - "西海岸セレブ"style. I guess it also coincided with the whole surf, skate, Americana, normcore movement that started blowing up at the same time. I remember the actual Ron Herman being pretty terrible. Now, Fred segal is opening up in the new daikanyama station complex along with tartine. The retail scnene is getting more Americanized than ever before. I'm honestly surprised that OC blew up. We used to joke that it would go out of business super quickly because it literally occupied the entire seibu annex top to bottom and they were selling expensive American lame basics no one was buying. It's also interesting that tsutaya group has been putting out more lifestyle oriented tsites across Japan. Shonan, somewhere in Hokkaido, and etc.

    It's pretty interesting to think about how the trends transitioned from the late 90s to today.

    What happened between the modo / Dior homme period and the supram/skate street period? Lately it's all bout sports mix, fuccboi, pitti uomo street style ala ua and sons.


    Yes, I know Revamp runs Blue Bottle, Krispy Kreme, and Cold Stone. I've had dinner w/ Sawada-san (the president) a few months ago to see if he would invest in my brand (he did not). He used to be the No.2 behind Yanai-san at Uniqlo back in the late 90s when they hit it big w/ the fleece line.
    He's not terribly the smartest dude but surrounds myself with very talented people and invests in either 1) cheap distressed companies to turn around 2) popular foreign exports that are easily importable into Japan.
    Yes, I think Ron Herman's success was a mix of perfect timing but also great product placement in key magazines (Ocean, Men's Club, Sense, etc). Also they incorporate the right mix of ladies and men's. Most of the guys who shop at Ron Herman do it with their girlfriends who decide what they should wear unlike mode/high-fashion shops which exclusively cater to fashion-otaku dudes. 
    Regarding OC, it's success in Japan really coincided w/ Huberto/Carol's appointment as creative directors of Kenzo (which gave them greater presense in Japan) and the fact that OC is licensed/managed by Onward domestically. Onward has the 1) money 2) logistical know-how 3) connections and muscle-power to push OC apperal to stylists, magazines, etc. They also were an early supporter of buzz labels like D.TT.K which has the support of the fashion elite in Tokyo.
    Tokyo fashion right now is in a bit of a disillusioned period because no one is buying clothes anymore. Even fast fashion is having a hard time; Topshop/Topman recently closed all of their stores and left the Japanese market.
    The reality is young girls and guys are spending their disposable income on media (LINE stamps/stickers, APP games, etc) rather than clothing and if clothing its increasingly being purchased online.
    As a result, designers and retailers are taking less chances; making and selling things that are culturally recognizable and accessable to the typical Tokyo "sheep salaryman" (一般的客ã•ã‚“).That's why these "lifestyle" stores have been such a hit.
    Does the typical Japanese salaryman have enough money to afford Balmain, Dior, etc or has he ever been to a micro-brewery or legitimate coffee joint in the states or surfed in his life? Nope. Does he actually fucking care? Probably not.
    But its much easier for him to adopt the "lifestyle" by consuming a hip cafe-latte while reading a surfer magazine and buying a t-shirt. Plus, he can just take a picture of that shit and upload it on Instagram and voila he's instantly considered "cool" by his circle of lame "salaryman sheep" friends. The same could be said about supreme/skate street. Just another permutation. At the end of the day, the end consumer vicariously living the "lifestyle". 
    The typical Japanese consumer lives a save, easily identifiable/consumable, non-commitable lifestyle.
    It's fucking bullshit.
  2. http://www.wwdjapan.com/life/2015/02/18/00015441.html



    Thought Revamp (http://www.revamp.co.jp/) would pick it up but guess Sazaby (http://www.sazaby-league.co.jp/) was willing to pay more for the licencing fees. But they've done wonders with Ron Herman in the last few years making it the "IT" select shop. Honestly don't think its gonna be a hit. Tokyo has the so so so many amazing burger joints already.

  3. http://fashionstudies.org/


    New fashion web magazine. looks promising


    malamute has been on the hype train for a minute because she used to be the knit designer for Mikio Sakabe. Changefashion.org and Parco have been supporting her big time but I can't see her designs translating with the same crossover appeal that say Meme has gotten in the last several years.


    Looks like the site is supported by Coromo / Coromoza crew (I know the founder) but doubt this web magazine will make traction.


    The fashion web magazine space is way over crowded right now...

  4. that wwd headline is hilarious. 2 pipo spending 53-man? i mean, you could cup multiple mainline pieces for 5 grand. 

    plus, all the past H&M collabos looked way more stupid than uniqlo designer collabos, which were actually wearable


    HM spent a lot of money hyping the right blogger girls and fashionistas to whore themselves on instagram and basically brain wash a ton of young kids to buy this crap.


    Do you really want to wear a sweatshirt or beanie that just says "WANG" on it?


    I'm ok with collabs but this latest collab for whatever reason feels so shallow and throw-away.


    I dont know why...

  5. I think that popcorn place in Harajuku is the only one killing it.  Theres like 3 in Roppongi Hills where they're practically giving away cups to ppl and they're dead.  Robuchon panya in Roppongi Hills is pretty fucking ill.


    Eggs n things in Roppongi hills just celebrated its 1st anniversary.


    I guess they are doing something right...

  6. This is fucking dope, respect




    Thanks. Going to the VISVIM 2015 SS 展示会 this weekend w/ the 社長ã•ã‚“ to meet Nakamura-san.

    Making moves...

  7. Yeah she messaged me the next day apologizing profusely about being drunk and not explaining everything very well. Said I'm a great guy blah blah blah, but that she actually has kinda been seeing someone for a couple months now and that's all she's ready for after the long term relationship right now. Told her she didn't need to apologize for anything and if her situation changes to holler at me. She could just be making it all up for all I know, but she came across as sincerely apologetic and I don't really care that much because she handled it so well

    Onto the next one

    [non-coworker hopefully, drunk idiot]


    Kill her.

  8. Met the owner/president of the textile factory/company that VISVIM uses to produce their Japanese textiles.


    They don't even have a website.


    Very happy right now. 


    The next SAWHNEY collection is gonna get even doper.

  9. Met the owner/president of the textile factory/company that VISVIM uses to produce their Japanese textiles.


    They don't even have a website.


    Very happy right now.


    The next SAWHNEY collection is gonna get even doper.

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