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  1. AlanT: maybe you responded to me,so you can justify selling everything you buy to HK,.which is partly the reason why they dont answer the phone,and limit purchases...if you wanna get into it with me,you'll lose.

    chill the fuck out? i think not...i was stating my opinion,deal with it,or hand carry your purchases so they dont get caught up in customs,squirt.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  2. maybe they dont want anyone to know so fuckwads such as yourself,wont stand inline and buy mad shit to sell to HK..but maybe i am just crazy.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  3. i cant believe they do one with marc jacobs and not brands that actually put in work. fuck both of 'em.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  4. yo jupes lemmie get a job-as long as i dont have to count out-i'm down...i wanna be the guy who sits in the back and kills the gatorade-just dont get no more mango..that shits cut.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  5. yosuke isnt a homo-this kid is so cool...i been knowin him for deep...rocks all the shit-NBHD.ape,supreme,hectic,invisible:man,he got style for days,and isnt anything like that turd edison..

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  6. well,i mentioned matching your shit up-IF thats the sort of cool your trying to portray yourself as-and this dude-with his Kerry King from slayer armsweatbands and full on corny i seen 321 contact and want a uniform style biter looks as thought he was going for that-i dont always matchy matchy-just thought i throw that in there for a little fuel..i had no intent to say you should always match,heavens no. especially when you got begal bites roastin all up in the oven...

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  7. i kinda like marb mediums cause you can score 2 for ones,other than that,whatevers free kid.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  8. 1.Free

    2.someone elses

    3.ice cold bodega 22oz bottles in june


    5.someone elses.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  9. yo-babywipes are the secret joints-cerul's shitters are def choice,but the MEATFEST breakfast buffet they got there is it for me...u gonna need some babywipes about 20 mins after u fill up on that mess,those omlets are way to perfect.....straight insanity.

    tokyo summer day with jeans on? i am all about the wipes-damn-i am gonna sell them shits on the corner infront of that wendys next trip-watch-soon ape will be makin these wipes in camo

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  10. I might be ugly,and i might be a asshole,yes,fine....but never ever would i ever play myself by using the N word.

    or show a photo of myself about to pass a E pill to a man....like u did.

    your shoes are cornball..and for that matter anyone posting shoe collections,aside from sneakerheads,are corny...espically if they are size 14 with green smudges up the sides ,stained from all the grass you mow for a living.

    grow up rockstar.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  11. we know your mom does your laundry...and i bet shes hip to the new laundry soap for 'Darks'-that shit really works-but i know a secret....so does jupafett...so ask him first.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  12. ....have you forgotten your talking about a snowboard brand?...ASR world.. fruits on a stick...let them have their adidas,maybe they will come with little cute skiis on the bottom. weeeee!

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  13. I have a solution!!!!!!!!

    instead of calling and bugging the FUCK out of the staff asking your pointless questions all day-why not drop by the shop?

    dont call and ask when this or that is coming out,imagine if YOU were staff-and had to answer the phone all day answering the same questions that they dont have answers to...just imagine that...

    stop calling.dead up.

    try and call jupafett all day instead,he knows the deal.

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  14. its funny,they go on your feet the same way other shoes do,which reminds me,does anyone have a problem burning begal bites? it says to put them on the center rack until cheese is melted,and i did that,but i honestly think 375 is too high-what jeans and shirt should i wear when i make begal bites?

    Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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