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  1. Gymkata is a perfect example of the white man trying to get with our culture-just because he had that cool suit and throwing stars and beat up that villan from dukes of hazzard dosent mean he's a ninja...he dont know nuthing about my dojo i came up hard-my tatami mat was handed down since the samurais left..you are part of the problem..

  2. why you making fun of my people? dont you know we had to wear split toe sandals for hundreds of years? thats fucked up.

    Edited by SHOWCASE SHOWDOWN on May 29, 2005 at 07:37 PM

  3. i think darker dunks go well with white people,and the lighter shade go well with black people,but i am not sure which denim i should wear,and what kind of music i should listen to.which has nothing to do with being boring.

  4. what about the fact that most of us(ok,me and the 3 people i know on here) came up in super poor major metropolitan city neighborhoods-and white,black,mexicans and spanish people were called 'niggas' completely in a a non-slang-non-friendly connotation by the upper and middle predominantly-white classes?

    do u think,that this term being used has something to do with the fact that its used so freely? or could it be that its said 300 times in 90% of each rap song,which is what people 15-30 buy and download most regularly,its said on the radio in a comedic and friendly manner on tv in a comedic friendly manner,and magazines,show flyers etc etc-

    what do u think?

    are u looking to point a finger on the widespread use of this word?

    whats your bottom line?

    whats your point?

  5. killyourself> your leaving out weed,stormtroopers,turntables and old english drippy letters....man oh man i cant wait to see this new secret line that coming-i am sure there will be more hype on this site about it yaya woo yay! gassing your own brand on the net could quite possibly be considered:


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