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Posts posted by giantreptile

  1. track jackets is more of a personal preference than anything. i do equate it with frat boys and Eurotrash in the US, though. Let me steer this in a slightly different direction to avoid being supertrashed...

    i've noticed that those satin baseball jackets are coming back. what about those?

  2. moths. that's right. i was beginning to think that if someone stored their swamp ass raw denim with everything else in their closet, that this would attract moths. and being that this is a cashmere-wearing type of crowd, I wonder what measures, if any, are being taken.

  3. i think rogan quality has declined, especially with last year's collection. and more and more stuff is made in other countries, where it seemed that they initially prided themselves on 'made in usa'. hmm..maybe that's why the US's trade deficit is at an all time high?

  4. madgrad: the tie is fine the way it is. it doesn't need to be slimmer. avoid trends, and keep with classics. most of the people advising you are just kids, so they haven't found that buddhists' middle ground yet. the jeans you have look much better than those other two (acne maybe? can't remember); not as feminine. yeah i said it again.

  5. woah, i totally missed out on this whole ande whall jeans thing. so what's the story with making your own jeans? how long have you been doing this? and how in the world do you arrange getting them made?

    on a side note: missed what he said, but ban breakfasteatre anyway so that I can remain king smartass on this forum.

  6. Quote:


    So, do they put whatever is in their hair in their collars as well or is it the other way around?

    --- Original message by Proletariat on Feb 7, 2006 11:28 AM

    if that's not a bonafide "growing up gotti" look-a-alike contest, and instead is just some night out at the club, then this is a sad, sad world.
  7. Quote:


    whatabout that one? looks neat imo

    anyone that has a similar pic taken from the front and not the side, I'm gonna try to stick it to my head with ps 8)

    --- Original message by qom on Sep 1, 2005 06:26 AM

    don't go with this look. because then you just look like a justin pearson wannabe.
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