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Posts posted by giantreptile

  1. Quote:

    I'm with you completely on the silly back pocket stitching, g'rep, that is a straight-up deal breaker. If not China, would Taiwan be acceptable? I have a hunch you guys are being facetious about the silver patch but if you're not then I say "Be afraid, be very afraid".

    --- Original message by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 28, 2006 04:27 PM

    it's more a matter of cost to produce rather than a slight to chinese construction.
  2. Quote:

    You can still have children and wear supertight jeans. It's just a myth that tight jeans cause infertility.

    --- Original message by AznInvazn on Mar 28, 2006 02:01 PM

    i said MALE children.
  3. i saw a pair of levi's designed by junya watanabe for $970. i think that wins for most expensive ready-to-wear jeans that i've seen (previous title r by 45rpm at $754). i guess in that case you looking at a very limited run. what perplexes me is why the marc jacobs jeans are over $600.

  4. philly doesn't need a streetwear/sneaker store, especially near south st. if i had capital to open up a shop, I'd open it on one of those streets near Liberty (3rd or 2nd, can't remember) by all the art galleries and record stores. then i would do a mostly men's/some women's military themed clothing and accessories. think about it- you could carry lines that are inspired by military/survival designs. i don't know, dries van noten comes to mind. maybe varvatos, acronym maybe, or some of those far out japanese brands. you could even have select military surplus stuff; things like those german army sneakers. one could even do things like carry surefire flashlights, binoculars, who knows- just brainstorming. the point is, you need to make it a destination. it needs to be something that draws people from the tri-state area. i think a streetwear/sneaker place would just get lost in the shuffle, especially near south st. besides, does your run of the mill streetwear look that good in this post-Ali G world?

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