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Posts posted by showbiz00ditc

  1. whatd everyone boxing day cop?

    i was in Nomad line but only for about 10, got there at like 2 tho.

    GDFT line was insane till 5:30

    Went to Sydneys too, not much left.

    Had a feeling i saw HBlack, in syd's were you with two other guys?

  2. oh shit.

    found this thread yesterday thanks to @rome1

    thinking of doing a vid, or at least a pocket dump.

    Gonna cop the ITP A3 for my first light, see if how i feel with it. Also, I hate multi-tools but this thread made my hatred for them not so strong. That Juice is actually pretty sexy.

    I have a shitload of tabs open in this browser, all research everything (32 to be exact)

    Great thread, shows i really need to venture out of MySupertalk more.

    (all i'm subscribed to in there is korny asian girls, CWGs, superfap, toronto meetup and CODMW2)

    Refreshing to see a thread of this calibre. Thanks

  3. Just started to camp more cause i got sick of being out gunned by akimbo 1887s

    I never realized how easy it is to get nukes in pubs (when i actually try to stay alive instead of rushing, trying to out-gun people all the time)

    ust get to a spot, set up a couple claymores, out shoot a couple nubs, get a harrier and from there its basically over...

    pubs? wtf is pubs?

  4. thats wild, looks like fun.

    is there any way to go back and watch clips of your games on PS3?

    Was just gaming with DUM/majorwaves, royalefatale, and wasanasanasananasananan (im not sure who he is on here)(but he was ripping shit up)

    ROYALE sending deaththreats, setting up a hit or some shit in the lobbies in a different voice haha wtf was that

  5. yea dude fuck i heard about that BBQExpress Rat shit.


    I'd prolly still eat there tho.

    haha i was thinking i should go down the day they reopened and have a oppoycott. Just force people to eat it. (and that would be when it's at its cleanest)

  6. word. yea i fuckin hate painkiller, but so good when you kill someone who had it.

    I also hate last stand

    Yo DUM explain this tactical knife...

    from what i gather it's different than the melee knife?

    you say you unlocked it for yur USP I'm assuming thats a gun (couldnt find it tho) is it attached to a gun? Bayonet steelo?

    btw. this site is real good for comparing gun stats. I find it hard to compare in the game, i always end up fucking up my classes.


  7. most of the ps3 players right here:


    the next page had only a few sufu's and some irl friends so I didn't take a pic.

    haha played with/against DUM and rRRonson (who is that?) earlier. DUM doesnt talk and rRRonson didnt have a mic. i gotta get on the +rep clan.

    (dum it sounded like you were typing the whole time...)

  8. Ping! is like BBM but for iPhones

    itll be good when everyone has it... and also after an update. Anyone else find the text box when yur typing shakes shit? orrr is that just my epilepsy.

    Also. weird how theres no list for your contacts ... you just start typing and names you've previously Ping!ed come up? ... or am i missing something?

  9. Sufu looking dude came into Libretto on Saturday night with a blue rider's jacket and had dinner with a dime piece. You here, or just playing the part?

    thatsthe pizza joint ya?

    heard goodthings about it, you work there?

  10. still in toronto (well just outside) just working some bullshit for now.

    went to new zealand last summer for 4 months (for their winter) to snowboard

    I'm going to Australia this winter for a couple weeks (for their summer) to surf

    You still in Toronto? What do you do around here...

    You never came out to any of the meetups eh? Dont remember meeting you but i know you've been around here since back in the day

  11. graduated school with business and marketing

    dont do anything right now to do with either of those... except working for a business haha.

    still wanna travel and act a fool before i buckle down and get a real job i actually like.

    I'd really like to open a high end stationary boutique. I also have two ideas for web businesses, just not sure how to execute

  12. Dope thanks.

    What do you guys use if places only ship to USA? Is there places along the border that you can ship to and they'll ship it up to you? I've only found spots that you ship to and they hold it there for you to come pickup.


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