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Posts posted by docdoom

  1. whats the UK retial on apc, my friend who i live with just won some worn apc's in regular cut on ebay for £9 pounds plus £5 p&p, i was well pleased for him, sounds like a deal.

  2. Quote:

    Those Samurai jeans are rad. I'm annoyed that I can't seem to find these or Denimes in Los Angeles. Fred Segal used to carry Denime, but no longer. Are there any online retailers with English language sites that ship to the US?

    --- Original message by Sanctimonious Kid on Mar 6, 2005 10:08 PM

    mate www.aeroleatherclothing.com has some reduced denime like i said.
  3. thats insane! is there a historical precident for such heavywieght jeans?? did/have levis ever gone above 14oz? my regular pair is 33 501s at 10oz, crazy to think its more than double that, they will last for decades!

  4. very cool jacket mate, with nice fading on it. Do you wear it with jeans as well, as i have never really liked the head to toe denim look? I quite fance a denim jacket but as i wear jeand every single day im not sure about it...........

  5. thanks for the advice guys. I might get some of the uniglo selvedges and stitch my own arcuates, that might be fun. Maybe just do one, though i guess that probably isnt a popular idea with you purists!?

  6. certain denim stains can be removed using a pencil eraser.

    i went to visit my cousin in London last weekend and i had indigo all over my hands from my new edwins, my top and boxers had indigo staining from accidentally being in the wash with some repro levis and my shoes had stains all over the top from the edwins too!! i was a denim monster

  7. is the only uniqglo store the one in London on ox street?

    2nd point - anyone know of any grey selvedge action -just standard 501 fit.

    I love nashvilles, they are great! nice understated detailing. I went out with my girlfriend the day i got them and couldnt lift my leg up high enough to climb over this tiny bench as the denim was still so stiff!! Getting real nice and more bendy now, though very tough feeling.

    Denim is such fun!!!!!!!!!

    Ringring, how come selvedge was a cheap workers item as it most have cost more than normal denim? And why did levis stop making it anyway. We should try and compile a list of all the different selvedge colours!

  8. Hi,

    Ringring, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Just going to add that as far as i know the evisu gull was added for the same reason that the name was changed from Evis - ie because they had stitched arcuates previously that, like thier name, bore too close a resembalence to Levis. As such, they painted over them with the gull.

    The 501s you refer to are the 1944 wartime model. I quote from aero clothing website (great for vintage lee and levi jeans) 'As part of the war effort, the Arcuate design is hand painted on the back pocket which uses a single thread stitching for the same reason.'


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