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Posts posted by ajchen

  1. we were at pool last fall and magic this year. both did well for us.... but i definitely like the MAGIC campground better. we got more foot traffic, there was generally a better buzz in the area, and MAGIC has a lot more financial backing to push and market the show. we also got dope placement - the campground was dead center in the streetwear section, right next to triple 5 soul and zoo york. they didnt shove us in a corner or something. when we were at pool our first season, we got put way in the back (along with other dope lines like 614). it kinda sucked because it was so spread out and buyers probably got tired of walking all over - the campground is more compact and things are spaced out well but not too far apart. in terms of sales, we did well at both shows - but we'll definitely be back at MAGIC this fall.

    and bobby is right... LRG was bananas this year. threw a party with raekwon and just blaze... built a crazy log cabin for their booth... brought an entourage of like 50 guys to man their log cabin.

    3sixteen fabrications // new york city.


    thas wassup

  2. thank you to superfuture for always being our harshest critic haha. its good for us...

    you know those fools on american idol who are straight up horrible and get rejected, only to start screaming at the judges saying that they have what it takes to be a star when clearly they cant hold a note? or cats who say their clothing is dope as anything but there's zero artistic talent behind the line?

    i think those guys have been surrounded by "yes" people their entire lives... people who say that their stuff is awesome even though it needs a lot of work (or is sometimes not even salvageable). i dont think we fall into that category. i know some people dont feel our line, and thats cool... i dont mind that at all cuz you cant please everyone. there's a difference between not liking something and it being "stupid" but i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    we face a unique challenge cuz we're not looking to slap our brand all over a few tshirts and call it a day.... or put a trendy ape on a shirt just cuz its hot right now. we've committed ourselves to pushing positive messages thru tshirts, and because of that - it takes us a lot more time and effort to come up with each design. the very thing about our line that makes people call it "preachy" is what a lot of other people love about it. so i guess we found our target market, which is dope cuz a lot of lines dont even know what direction they are going in.

    so yeah, thanks everyone for keepin it "real" (whatever that means). i like hearing what you all have to say.

    with that said, let me use this controversy and drama to direct you all to some of our friends. check em out...flame em or love em, it dont matter as long as you give em a look see.

    thehundreds: http://www.thehundreds.com

    mishka: http://www.mishkanyc.com

    mato nyc: http://www.mato-nyc.com

    3sixteen fabrications // new york city.


    thas wassup

  3. dang. so many excellent and well thought out responses.... by far the best i've read since i've been casually advertising the line. thank you all for being honest - it's the best kind of


    we just got back from the POOL trade show where we landed several solid accounts and also made good press contacts with URB, Vapors and C16 magazine. things are rolling along very well for us...

    we'd love to do cut & sew. everything comes down to finances.

    as for "No More Bling" being counterproductive, i think the statement on there makes it pretty clear what we're after. the text is the focus of the shirt, not the hummer.... but i can appreciate it if people wouldnt wear it. after all, it's a pretty in-your-face shirt and it always garners a reaction. we want to be the kind of company to cause discussion, so its cool with us. it's also been selling really well...

    while i'm flattered to be even compared to LRG, i think our messages are more societally focused than theirs. they are definitely more branding focused, with the occasional socially conscious message. but yeah, to be mentioned in the same sentence as LRG is a compliment.

    LRG has evolved quite a bit. their first few lines werent as nature focused.... it looked kinda computer-futuristic, even down to their original logo. they've definitely made a move towards the organic. in terms of whether its ok to flip your style, i cant really say anything cuz i like what LRG's doing better now... so who's to say you shouldn't change and evolve and turn a good product into a better one. i hope we dont flip our style and that our messages stay on point.

    thanks again for everyone's views and responses. it keeps us growing.

    i still love H.E.R.

  4. whats up all.

    just wanted to drop a line and let you all know about 3sixteen fabrications, a line that i design for. we've been on the scene for about a year, and our Fall 2004 line just made its debut in spots like digitalgravel.com (shine section), thegiantpeach.com and TRUE clothing in SF, among other spots.

    something interesting about our line is that we're not just dedicated to socially conscious messages that are relevant to urban culture... we actually do something about it. each year we set aside a portion of our proceeds to go towards an organization that is helping our communities. last year we gave to pacific garden mission, a homeless shelter in downtown chicago.

    anyways, enough outta me. check our site and lemme know what you guys think of it. honest feedback is appreciated...




    i still love H.E.R.

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