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San Deigo/Tijuana


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Yeah, don't go to Tijuana for a few days.......the place is an absolute shithole; one night is enough, and that is if you are shitfaced and aren't wearing anything worth robbing.....take the short drive to Rosarito at least (although it is not very good either). My suggestion is to go the extra 2 hours to San Felipe which is still a big party town but is more scenic and clean......

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WTF englandmj7! 'Oohh, Tijuana dirtee, don't go, not enough sunburnt arizona fratboyz for me to let

my brown paranoia subside.'

Don't listen to that BS, Tijuana's fun (I mean for real I'm sure that you know what your getting into

when you go, bottled drinks only, no ice cream, cooked salsa only @ the taqueria etc.), but the City is

fucking cool, It's amazing to see all the lights of the sprawl at night when you look up before crossing the border. Everyone takes cash (no need to bother with pesos, all the cash register have separate drawers).

Go to Plaza Tijuana, (hopefully not on a weekend), it's near the giant ball (that's an Imax theater), Get Pitchers of Beer Tijuana style (salted glass with ice and lime inside, different is good, like Arby's). Drive on the scenic road to the Playas/ Rosarito (check out the graffitti on the border fence and all the floodlights on the US side). Tijuana Beach is cool, couldn't really recommend swimming (there's a lot of run off in the water around Tijuana), but it's cool to buy young coconuts opened by machete wielding Indians.

Hey, It's not suburban USA, but it's not that scary. Take cash, ATM's can be annoying to find, there's a lot to see, Tijuana is sort of like the Mexican version of LA but with constant growth. And yeah if you want to drive further down the coastal highway it gets really pretty, and there's lots of natural (undeveloped) areas with beach between Ensenada and Rosarito.

You know the only thing to be avoided in Baja is the lines when crossing back over the border, so avoid crossing over on Holiday weekends, or get your car gassed up and be ready for 2 hour bumper to bumper traffic waiting.

Benny Rags

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Quote: WTF englandmj7! 'Oohh, Tijuana dirtee, don't go, not enough sunburnt arizona fratboyz for me to let my brown paranoia subside.'

ahaha haahh; are you serious? You even going to Tijuana makes you a frat boy dipshit.

I have travelled ALL around Mexico, I lived on the Mexican Riviera for a month and a half in a friggin' hut; and as far as the 'dirty' thing goes, I have lived in the poorest/dirties countries in the world: India, China, Malaysia and Thailand, and they are my favorite places in the world.......I don't give a fuck about dirt you idiot, the point is that if you are going to SoCal/Mexico for a nice beach vacation you don't go to fucking Tijuana because the beaches are covered in trash/sewage runoff. If you want to get fucked up with a bunch of lamos such as yourself and hit on slutty girls barfing in trash cans be my guest.........Either way, your an assclown..........

Like I said, ignoring this idiot, take the advice from a thorough traveller and avoid the hellhole that is Tijuana.........unless your a "tough guy" like our friend here.

Quote: And yeah if you want to drive further down the coastal highway it gets really pretty, and there's lots of natural (undeveloped) areas with beach between Ensenada and Rosarito.

Right, exactly what I recommended fuckwad......

Edited by englandmj7 on May 18, 2006 at 05:38 PM

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Hey maybe this guy wants to see something, he wouldn't have asked about Tijuana unless he was interested

in it. BTW, maybe I responded like I did because I spend time in TJ (with my girlfriend's fam), and it is a real interesting city. Like for instance the main Cathedral is one block away from the red light district, where

can sin and redemption be so close.

Congratulations on traveling all around Mex, Thailand, and China I'm sure you played the part of the pampered western bitch real well.

Oh and another thing, I've seen all your other post dogging the rest of LA that's not in Santa Monica, open your eyes someday you might see something real.

Benny Rags

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^^ um; I have never lived in Santa Monica and am not quite sure what you are referring too. I lived in Venice and hype that shit ALOT if that is what you are referring too, is there a problem with that? Are you pissed because you can only afford to live in Echo Park? Either way, get your shit straight; believe me, I know that city better than your Mama knows what your little pecker looks like.......and what the hell is with your obsession with pampering? Do you even know me? You certainly make some sweeping generalizations.......I don't need to argue with some internet dipshit who wants to debate that they think they have lived "poorer" than I and therefore posess some sort of innate knowledge of how better to experience places........where do you get these ideas from? because I dress well? because I travel ALOT? Ever think that I get to do these things because I work hard and was intelligent enough to get a high-paying job? Keep loathing in your self-pity you miserable lout.

Real enough for ya twat?

Edited by englandmj7 on May 19, 2006 at 11:33 AM

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Hey rocket scientist!

I'm not jealous of you and your self made hell, Do you really think anyone on a board for 'shopping experts' is hurting for cash?

What happened to some internet courtesy?

Do you know how annoying it is to ask about something for some arrogant prick to say

'don't bother with that, I'm the authority, I know' Keep knocking off Venice beach jewelry,

And by the way what do you really know about this city besides what you think you know.

I'll keep toasting you, superchump, until this thread gets tossed in the supertrash

Benny Rags

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Out of courtesy to the person who submitted with this query, I will kindly note, so that you understand clearly, that very few people other than yourself, are offended by referring someone away from that which they are inquiring about if there is a far better, reasonable and accessible alternative. For instance, if I were to make a post in Superdenim asking where I could buy some $400 True Religion limited crystal-pocketed flared jeans, one would hope someone else might let me know that the said price would be far to much to pay for these jeans, and recommend an alternative within related stylings. Our friend obviously wants to venture into Mexico and was referred by someone else to look into Tijuana. I am simply letting him know from an experienced traveller's perspective that an additional 45-minute car ride to another city would be preferable and would be far more pleasant. If I were to tell him "Stay away from Mexico, and go to Lake Havasu to see tits and frat boys instead" you might have a reasonable argument. In the meanwhile, your offensive onslaught of "holier than thou" attitudes based on misconceptions about my personality are getting rather annoying.....

Now if you would kindly FUCK OFF. Cheers,


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If I were to ask about going to Baja Mexico from San Diego, I would ask specifically that. Look you don't have to stay huffy all day and be mean to everybody in your office just because I called you out for being a less informed than you claim to be.

Tijuana is a real city that's fun to be in (even if there's few places to buy stussy), and there's more to it than avenida revolucion, is basically what I'm trying to get accross. Keep jerkin it superdick, you just might get another inch to match the one that's already there.

Benny Rags

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Quote: Keep jerkin it superdick, you just might get another inch to match the one that's already there.

I have your little sister to help me with that

The two incher fits her just fine icon_smile_wink.gif

Quote: I'm not jealous of you and your self made hell

Is that a nice way of saying you are unemployed?

Edited by englandmj7 on May 19, 2006 at 02:58 PM

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$40 is the going rate to bribe cops.

keep that money seperate from the rest of your cash. if they see it they will take it.

only take yellow cabs.

if a glue sniffing kid approaches you it is probably to stab you.

revolution is for tourists

constitution is for locals-much better

be weary of hookers-but thats your deal

get a black market perscription for perscript meds. the border cops dont fuck around.

expect under 21 girls - good or bad depending.

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Quote: $40 is the going rate to bribe cops.

keep that money seperate from the rest of your cash. if they see it they will take it.

only take yellow cabs.

if a glue sniffing kid approaches you it is probably to stab you.

revolution is for tourists

constitution is for locals-much better

be weary of hookers-but thats your deal

get a black market perscription for perscript meds. the border cops dont fuck around.

expect under 21 girls - good or bad depending.

Say it ain't so!!! That type of stuff goes on in Tijuana? Don't tell Benny Rags, I think his boyfriend Hector lives there and boy is he gonna be pissed when he finds out about this......

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Thanks for all the advice. I'm taking off in a few days. I might try the drive further down south, depending on the people i travel with, or I might just save it for the next trip. I will be spending more time in SD this time I believe. Anyways it's my first time going to Mexico, just trying to see if there are spots I should check out while I'm there.

Quote: Doogle -

Quote: Joined: Dec 14, 2003

Wow, you are an old one heh? There aren't too many people that have been here since 03'

I used to come to this site before there was a message board, so I just signed up one day.

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Just don't... go to tijuana and claim that you've been to mexico.

It's just not. Mexicos a beautiful country and TJ just doesn't rep

mexico right.

Tijuanas kinda like the toy district in downtown LA.

Only TJ has drunk, underage frat boys pitchin tents

and transvestite hookers with so many damn STDs, they

cancel each other out.

There are portions of TJ thats actually enjoyable though.

saturdaynight mongol

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Quote: Just don't... go to tijuana and claim that you've been to mexico.

It's just not. Mexicos a beautiful country and TJ just doesn't rep

mexico right.

Tijuanas kinda like the toy district in downtown LA.

Only TJ has drunk, underage frat boys pitchin tents

and transvestite hookers with so many damn STDs, they

cancel each other out.

There are portions of TJ thats actually enjoyable though.

Thank you; my point exactly.......

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