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Posts posted by a_username_for_superfuture

  1. So my 2019 J36-S has started fraying at the hem under the left pocket.

    Probably rubbing against something, not sure what it is tbh.

    Is this something acrnm would help with repairs? Or is this just a grin and bear it type thing?


  2. 20 hours ago, moneytalks said:

    you're worried acrnm.com sent you a fake bag?
    great 2nd post my guy

    Glad you promote such a welcoming environment :) Definitely feel more inclined to post now. We could be best friends!

    No accusations against Acronym. Just paranoia of the delivery pathway.

    The J36 I got before arrived without issue, box was in good condition, just with the acronym tape sealing it.

    The 3a-1's box was a bit battered, had UPS tape poorly applied to it in places, and just didn't look cared for, and then no stripe on the plastic bag.

    So my paranoid mind got the better of me, and I thought, maybe, possibly, the real item could have been replaced with a fake.

    I just thought I'd ask here, assuming there would be no harm in it.

  3. So my 3a-1 arrived today, direct from Acronym.

    I noticed that the plastic bag is came in doesn't have the red stripe, and the box it shipped in wasn't in the best condiftion.

    Am I just being overly paranoid or can the plastic bag not have the stripe?


  4. 1 hour ago, Nebulae said:

    All the most functional and most compelling acronym features lie in deep level revisions to conventional garment construction + patterncutting.

    Deep pockets, KG fit block, mezzanine pockets, detached entry pockets, two-way pocket bags, parallel zippers @ CF closure, holster pockets, etc.

    Flashy stuff like escape zip, magnetic tape, gravity pockets are largely whatever and more cumbersome than functional (btw, best application of escape zip is always on vehicular entry jackets lol)

    Wearing my J36-S and feeling attacked

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