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Posts posted by parka-boy

  1. 5 hours ago, SuE said:

    Don’t Tell Men, the Bomber Jacket’s Dead

    So... is this a trend we care about? (Cayce Pollard is somewhere smirking). What's your go-to type of jacket? Can cloaks make a comeback?

    Bomber jackets will never die. The numbers say they peaked, but even in 2012 when I started browsing online fashion forums there were people saying that bomber jackets were "over" even then.


    Edit: that is to say that commercially they may not be easy money, but fashion-wise I don't think they'll come close to disappearing.

  2. 9 hours ago, Toilettebun said:

    Just don't buy the money grabbers aka any stone island pieces that looks like regular clothing but has a SI patch attach or heavy branding. They still release amazing stuff and continue to do research but steer clear of money grabbers. 

    I have a stone island plain black t-shirt (with the small square compass logo over the left chest) and it's gotta be the nicest feeling cotton I've ever experienced tbh (soft + smooth + sturdy). Got it for 30% off during a mr. porter sale last year, and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

  3. Could I ask for a brief rundown on the history of acronym's subnet? I remember stumbling on it a few years ago (the login page) and figuring it was for wholesalers only but it seems that's not the case? Some googling shows that it previously was listed as wholesaler only, then by recommendation only, now..?

  4. Quote

    "At first, we wanted to put a display on it, the bigger the better," said Poupyrev. "But Paul said 'no, there can’t be blinks on the jacket, we don’t do that. Our customers are cool urban people and blinking on your jacket is uncool.'"

    If wanting bigger blinking interfaces on my jacket is dorky than call me steve urkel.

  5. (long time lurker, first time poster)

    Could someone please go into more detail (or point me in the direction of a guide) on how to spot acronym fakes? Or maybe more specifically, how to tell the ones in those links specifically are fake? I have no intention of buying acronym from yjp, but I'm curious as to what the signifiers are.

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