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Posts posted by copknocks

  1. Okay sweet, one of my good friends just got done reading Cat's Cradle so I might borrow it from him!


    Thanks for the help.


    no problem man.  cat's cradle was my favorite book for a long time.  i use "bokonon" (one of the characters) as a handle on like every site but this .

  2. I've actually never read Vonnegut, but you are about the 50th person to tell me to read him.. so looks like I have to add it to my queue.


    start w/ cat's cradle and slaughterhouse 5 , then read breakfast of champions

    he's the best

  3. I have read After Dark and Kafka on the Shore as well, and I might try reading this too. I just kind of got on a Murakami kick but I have yet to read any early stuff.


    I'm really trying to get back in the habit of reading a lot more frequently. Any other authors you might suggest?



    vonnegut 4 ever

    i'm also fond of michael chabon and junot diaz for contemporary dudes 

  4. it's not tough, compared to any other murakami works, or any literature in general.

    I'd actually recommend you read some of his earlier works over 1Q84, it just feels vastly unfinished and unconnected, compared to the stylistic themes he's presented previously. 


    I agree with you there.^


    Perhaps try Sputnik Sweetheart


    good to know

    i've read norwegian wood and am reading wind-up bird chronicle currently.

    just heard 1Q84 was particularly rough but that was just one person

  5. If any of yinz are into Baths, he has a side-project called Geotic that makes some great ambient stuff:  





    other than that i pretty much listen to life is full of possibilities on repeat.

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