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Posts posted by only_time

  1. You could jsut not reply. I always want to know measurements and shit. I don't have enough money to buy clothes that aren't going to fit me.


    I guess it's kinda absurd for 20 dollar apc.

  2. yes, paypal will pretty much always assume the buyer is right and screw you over



    this gets thrown around a lot but has this ever actually happened to anyone here? i.e. you sold something to somebody and upheld your end of the bargain but they still fucked you with a dispute.

  3. pastel goths, seapunk, social justice, new retrowave


    Yeah. It kind of feels like a dilution of that thing that some art school kids do where they just wear as much revolting, loud shit as possible.





    ^i dont really browse tumblr but im p sure it was sparked by raf stans?????? seems recent enough

    nah that's a consequence





    Somebody help this guy go whale watching with his girlfriend




    Why this Rick Owens Dunks
    is so EXPENSIVE !?
    Are you Crazy !?!?!?!?!?
    Yes. You are RIGHT. 
    I think I'm kind of CRAZY now.
    Because Ebay says
    "It sold between $590.00 and $1,305.00."
    BUT !!
    I typed PRICE $8,000- !!!!
    I think It's Crazy Price lol
    Don't buy from me lol 
    You can find more good price :)
    But I want Rest...I want Vacation.....
    I want Escape from Everything...........
    so I wanna try to sell $8,000 !!
    Do you wanna know why is this $8,000 ???
    Okay, I'm gonna show you now.
    This is Statement of your $8,000-
    The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel
    Deluxe Room, Ocean View
    $2,500- (2 Days)
    $500 included TIPS (2 Days)
    ++Whale Watching++
    $100 (2 Adult)
    ++Jet Ski++
    $200 (2 Adult)
    $4700 (I wanna give Ring for My Girlfriend)
    That's why I wanna sell $8,000 !! lol
    If you can pay this price, 
    it means You are Rich and so Kind person.
    this pay is not just "MONEY"
    It means "HELP MY LIFE"






    Yes Yes Yes !!
    You want this Rick Owens Dunks.
    I know !! I know it !!
  5. 54mg of concerta 

    3 cups of coffee

    a ton of nicotine


    I've been experimenting with high doses of concerta for about a month now, usually to study or focus on schoolwork for a few hours, I take them pretty normally the only thing I do differently from popping it normally is suck the instant release coating off. doesn't taste too bad and you get a decent buzz right when you pop it. I am by no means an expert on ADD meds but I would say you get an okay buzz and overall concentration is increased for the first few hours on concerta. BUT, as far as I can tell, as soon as you drink one cup of coffee on this drug you peak and it hits you really hard for an hour or 2+. I tested this with drinking coffee roughly 6 hours in and today 8 hours in and both times after I drink coffee I peaked. I've never tried not drinking coffee with it though maybe you wouldn't ever really peak. maybe this is common sense or well known info but whatever.


    also, has anyone on this thread tried taking apart concerta to get around the time release and just taken the methylphenidate half of the pill? how long did the high last?

    What are you studying?

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