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Posts posted by tinfoil

  1. I have mixed feelings about this statement. I feel that by discovering fashion purely/nearly only through the internet you become a mindless reflection of what is big at the time. I think it's crucial to discover your own sense of style through real life experiences and technical knowledge (such as reading books on textiles, fashion history etc.) I think the key is to finding balance between the two.

    For example here, one of my friends gets most of her style influence from real life and taking sowing classes and I love how she dresses, though she doesn't PARTICULARLY interest herself in fashion, she derives influence from real life and her own technical knowledge and it comes out great.

    Then there's tons of girls I know who's only source of influence is tumblr and next thing you know they're in studded fucking everything, upside-down cross t-shirts and "Junya Mafia" toques without knowing who Rei is and what the Cross of St.Peter is.

    Essentially what I'm saying is: No matter what, if the internet is your primary source of influence you'll come out looking wacky or like shit

    I agree with what you're saying, but writing it off as infantile and stupid as the other guy did is baseless. Since the internet is so diverse, there's plenty of places to take ideas from and learn more about fashion. Having said that I totally hate the all-stud-everything tumblr girls lol

  2. The guy's tumblr is entitled 'RAF SIMONS RICK OWENS ONLY' for goodness' sake. Just like those party cartoons it's all done with a guise of irony, but we all know he means it. Talk about a sign to abandon ship on raf, rick, supreme and whatnot if you still need one.

    Yeah, you'd better abandon two major designers and a streetwear brand because I've mentioned them.

    Your particular brand of self-satisfied rhetoric is uniquely irritating in that you seem to see yourself as some kind of martyr for the internet, as if everyone that dresses in a way you don't enjoy is contributing to the downfall of fashion altogether.

    There is no "correct" way to discover fashion.

    Call me trend-exploitative and passionless all you want, that's fine. I'm a teenager. I'll throw on whatever I think looks cool and copy established fashionable dressers that I enjoy, and yes, I'll likely find them on the internet. Trying out new stuff is how you build a personal style; just because you find your own to be superior doesn't give you the end-all alpha-omega say on the views of other people.

    I'm sure the real life cultural activities you do have an enormous impact on your style and that's a good thing. One of my hobbies happens to be browsing the internet. Once again it comes down to your poorly argued "the way you found clothes is worse than me therefore don't wear them", which quite honestly I find ignorant and badly justified.

    I'd be happy to read your response, debating this stuff is always interesting :)

    (sorry for the wall of text)

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