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Posts posted by el_Ronn

  1. Before I went here I checked Yelp! and noticed a discrepancy among the reviews. I think I have figured out why.

    It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy Playhouse. I've compiled a check list of qualities, and if you identify with more than 50% of them then you will probably love Playhouse. 

    You will like Playhouse if...

    -GTL means something to you

    -You think Vegas is a good and classy time

    -You think PF Chang's is a fancy restaurant

    -You have money to spend and don't know where or how to spend it

    -You have never been to a club before

    -You have tribal tattoos

    -Jersey Shore is your favorite TV show

    -You wear fake eyelashes and nails all day, every day.

    -You say you're a model because you made a ModelMayhem profile

    -You feel special sitting on the second floor looking down at those who don't waste their money on bottle service

    -You still have a Myspace

    -You shop at Charlotte Russe or DEB on a regular basis

    -You have furry go-go boots

    -You're visiting LA and Googled 'where do celebs hang out?'

    -You like Jager bombs

    -You wear Ed Hardy or Affliction

    -Your dad didn't love you enough but your uncle loved you too much

    Now, I'm not judging. If any of those things apply to you then maybe you will love it, and I sincerely hope you have a good time. I, on the other hand, do not identify with many of the above qualities and there for I did not have a great time. 

    3 stars as opposed to 1 because I should have known better.

    You actually decided to look through allllllllllllllll those reviews on Yelp to post this?

    What a fucking loser/nerd

  2. ^ You guys always saying the same tired shit that doesn't even relate to me. Lol. You always trying to over analyze shit without even knowing me, having met me, or anything of that sort. You just make shit up in your head and think that you know. Lol. It's the same bunch of you too, forever just TRYING to know me. Same group with the usual neg rep for me and all the pos rep for eachother. On some internet gang levels, hahahaha. It's actually sad. I'm just here fucking with all of you, while you guys take it that seriously. Lol. You guys care way too much for me, lollllll.

    Anyways, we really on.

  3. SS,

    you're a shitty troll that is boring as fuck. I hate the way you type, it's fucking retarded. you aren't funny, and anyone who finds you funny is on the same level of nerd/geek that you are on. do you ever get out or are you on the computer all day and night? I'm sad for you bro


    you've been on this site forever and have been in the same shitty place, a fucking loser. what have you done to better yourself all these years? absolutely nothing, you're still a little shit with no friends, actually wait... you got Internet friends. smh man, go out there and try to better yourself instead of trying to be witty on sufu for plus rep

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