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Posts posted by BronsonMax

  1. To everyone on this dovo dating club thread I am going to tell you what a true pimp told me. His name was Apple Jacks he told me one day while I was on the 5 train to the bronx (These words of wisdom will let you go far in any conquest of yours be very careful). He said,"Treat a princess like a slut and a slut like a princess." It works all the time. I am now dating and about to marry, a millionaires daughter with theses words. I treat her like a slut everyday of my life and she Luvs IT! *PIMPIN*

  2. i just cnt fucking do it. i cant get over her, and i fucking hate it, the only reason its not working now is because of some fucking medical problems i had in fucking may and thats fucked everything so far and i cant fucking just sit back and watch this shit happen and lose her and watch her move on and i fucking hate it and im drinking too much and not writing enough and theres fucking nothing for me here and im stuck for another two months at least and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck i cant fucking stand this fucking shit. WHAT THE FUCK.

    Fuck Bitches Make Money!
  3. so I work in "fashion" or whatever...I'd really just rather say "clothing" because the words "fashion" and "trendy" kill me more than any other words...maybe even more than "fam-bam" and "bomb", but moving on... So I've worked on the production side a bit, lots on the retail end (owned a shop for a while), and now on the rep/wholesale side, and I forgot how cool people think they are in this industry. On all sides. Fucking reps and buyers swear they're doing something important for mankind, curing fucking cancer or building the new ark or some shit. I've never thought what I do is any more than it is, basically selling tee shirts to kids with disposable income...and generally speaking, kids that have never paid their own bills in their entire lives. Now I'm on the other side, selling to shops who think they're doing something revolutionary...most of which place truly pathetic orders in comparison to some of the real accounts I work with. It's weird how the accounts that do the smallest business tend to have the biggest attitudes. I'm good at what I do. The brands I work with are great. There's just some shit I encounter on the road that makes me shake my head.

    The worst are the sellers at those small stores, I feel the whole industry sucks them in to being D-Bags. I use to live in a mall town upstate NY, and woodbury commons would have high schoolers believe their only goals at life is to be a cashier at True Religion. Their reason for believing in this maddness is because the company is going to grow, but real life how many dudes make it from retail to corporate? I feel that is unheard of.
  4. That is not bad. I am going to have to investigate, I am getting tired of NY. I need some heat in my life. NYC is looking like a disaster zone lately hurricanes, flash floods, and Mayor Bloomberg. Houston may be a nice change.

  5. Bring lunch to work and cook dinner most nights. Eating out a bunch is expensive as fawk.

    You can also move to south TX and you won't ever have to buy winter clothes again.

    How are the jobs out there?
  6. Everyone on FB is just a human person trying to get by the best way they know how. Everyone is scared and everyone is trying to make a connection and everyone is trying to get the world to acknowledge their existence in small ways so they feel less alone. Whether it comes out in the form of humblebrag, or self-righteous polemic, or 50 goddamn pictures of their cat, I think it mostly all stems from a similar place of abject terror and a desire for human connection. I can't say I don't also have similar Holden Caulfield 'everyone's a phony' days. Of course. But I think it helps to recognize that I feel the same way, too.

    Damn man you hit on the nose!
  7. I created this thread to see ways people are saving money on this board. For example, I have learned that I can get all of my vitamins on sale if I wait the for the first month at GNC. They have this like Gold Sale. I look forward to reading everyones post.

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