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leg last won the day on January 21 2024

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  1. So, you banned him permanently from this forum simply because you had a personal bad experience with him on Discord? No scam or fraud? The user is unbanned, and the warning is revoked.
  2. leg


    My first thoughts too. They had a chance to drop a reworked First Edition Kit or just a 1:1 version made from modern materials, with posters from Rudnick, maybe some VA album on USB from Raster Noton etc. The J100-WS is ugly as hell though and definitely not worthy of the J100 title.
  3. leg


    This is a well-known scam: you order an item, ask for a return due to the wrong size or whatever reason, and then send them one you bought on Taobao. SSENSE simply can't legit check every item due to the sheer volume of shipping and returns. Chinese shops have started combating this by putting unique stickers on washing tags that are very hard to remove. SSENSE is not selling fake items on purpose, that's for sure.
  4. leg


    I once spent 10 minutes convincing the bouncer that P10-DS are not gym joggers.
  5. leg


  6. leg


    acrdb.com is now available; feel free to grab it if you're interested in building anything acr-related. I believe I owe an explanation regarding it. In short, I sourced and contacted a photographer who worked on the first collections and he had not only the missing FW-0607 season but all the first seasons in their original quality straight from the camera. He was willing to share them with me if Errolson would allow it. He sent an email to Errolson and asked for his permission. After two or three months of waiting, Errolson finally replied and instructed him not to share any photos. He expressed his dislike for old seasons being online, as it could lead to people stealing his designs or whatever. After receiving this response, I decided to take down the website and don't bother anymore.
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