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Posts posted by RayRei

  1. Actually work on all music projects and stop just talking about them.
    Get into a better balance of work and play as now I can't manage time and trade one for the other.
    Say no to drugs when I have shit to do, even when its free.
    Learn to be more frugal when traveling so I don't have to be broke between trips.

  2. Working on a pair of ONI - Awa Shoai (19oz Natural) currently. Although I first pulled these on 9 months ago, they are in a 4 pair rotation and got temporarily retired during the summer heat wave so I estimate actual wear time at under 2 months. That wouldn't show much on a normal pair and these are notroiusly slow so....


    Thinking about taking about 1 inch off so they stack a bit less, but I do want to be able to cuff these since they are a fuller cut and I am worried about more shrink (even though they have already been through two hot soaks). I could always hem later after they have a few more washes but then I get less intense roping. What to do what to do.


    Anyway, I hope to give these the attention they deserve and have more interesting updates for everyone down the line.











    Thanks for looking.

    I wear my Oni's with a Merzbow shirt. Cheers sir!

  3. I don't skate anymore. I'm 22, I think the 13/14 year old me would hate the now me very much. Sometimes when I'm driving home from class and see these lames on longboards. I don't think there's anything more infuriating than a garbage ass push. I don't wanna rant though


    This is my whip that sits unused in the garage. 




    My Indy's have gotten to that coveted stage where the bushings are fucking perfect and the trucks are almost worn down to the axle. So many slappies. 


    I wish I knew someone with a miniramp 

    When i was little i had a pair i couldn't come close to putting a socket on they were so grinded down. Those were the days.

  4. I want Kill la Kill to be as good as Gurren Laggan so bad but its just not. I'm half enjoying it I guess. 

    I want Golden Time to be as good as Tora Dora! I hope it gets there but for now I like it. 

  5. I just finished 1Q84 recently and enjoyed it but not got sucked into it once. I'm reading What I Talk About When I talk About Running and am enjoying that much more.

    Also just picked up Crime and Punishment and my first thoughts about it is that I was thrown off by the shift in writing style between the epilogue and the first chapter. I want it to feel like the epilogue the whole time. This is my first Dostoyevsky book btw.

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