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Posts posted by seeldog47

  1. Just read through 27 pages of mental masturbation this thread. Feel like I walked through the twilight zone. Started off solid but got real weak real quick. I want more vapid pics of you in the club/eating pizza/sipping overpriced Champagne/hanging with beat white chicks; its like contemporary take on people who end up in Dante's 2nd circle.

  2. Picked up a Lavazza Carmencita Moka Pot over the weekend.


    I use a Sözen Turkish Mill to grind up the coffee beans.



    And the result is a fantastic cup of coffee. All the items are quality, but affordable.

  3. Really? I'm sorry but that was one of the worst Woody Allen films I've ever seen. Terrible dialogue and performances and all the smugness of a tourist who just came out of a guided tour of the Louvre and is trying to impress his friends. 


    What did you like so much about it?

    Really? Woody has made a bunch of really bad movies, so to call this one of his worst is quite a bald statement. His caricatures of the Lost Generation was for comedic relief, not to be taken seriously.


    I guess the movie appeals to the worst in me. Paris is my most favorite city in the world, I've always admired the lost generation, and when I was younger I thought I would be happier living in an earlier era. Plus the film's colors are very warm, which heightened my romanticism.





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