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Posts posted by ojsimpson

  1. i feel like one of the most telling things is when you're with anyone - rich or otherwise - and all they can talk about is like just shit they own. like things lying around their house that they bought. it feels so tragic to me? I don't know man there's just like this one kid at my college who has no social life whatever but sits on twitter absolutely all day talking about his apple products and ironically how great or not great aspects of social media apps he's downloaded for them are. he also dresses in bright purple skinny chinos with boat shoes and ray bans so maybe this isn't a completely unbiased evaluation of his existence eheheh... although i remember on christmas day all he was talking about was not getting as much money from his family as he wanted wow man ppl like this break my heart

    you just sound like you're jealous of this dude

  2. mickeys uncle is a millionaire. dude has 2 lambos (that he bought within a month) a ferrari and dozens of classics too.

    point is, he's rich and he's smart but he's also crazy, bipolar, paranoid and addicted to oyxcotin. when you can basically do the things you only ever thought was never possible does your mind not compute. so you become crazy. all rich ppl are batshit.

    so in a way yes, money does equal happiness, but invokes a beast of a psycho….

    you dont know shit

  3. that statement is too absolute. money is essential for happiness up until a certain point when basic needs are covered and certain luxuries we are afforded like hot water, car, air conditioning etc.

    also most of the time, not all, money and success/accomplishment in your career field or "hustle" go hand in hand and that definitely contributes to happiness. and happiness is still happiness whether it be for a night or 10 years it still counts

    so yeah, money = happiness

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