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Posts posted by Ghost714

  1. where

    Here's a few of them.




    And here is a link to the video of her photo shoot with GQ.


    If the video doesn't work, then just go to YouTube and type in "Emilia Clarke nude GQ photo shoot", and you can find it. She isn't nude in every photo, but a lot of them are pretty revealing and she does show her boob(including nipple).

    Edit. Yea sorry the video doesn't work, like I said though you can look it up on YouTube.

    On a different note, I just watched tonights episode of game of thrones, and it was truly fucking amazing. Best episode of the whole series, and quite possibly the best episode in tv history. Great job george r r Martin, for writing such a terrific episode.

  2. er.. bit obsessive?

    How so?

    I just wanted to figure out things on my own, and I wanted to have a decent understanding of all the different storylines and mysteries, before discussing it online with people that already knew everything. The main thing I was saying though, is that I couldn't imagine coming online before reading all the books. If you do that, no matter what, you are bound to be spoiled about something.

    If you call that obsessive, I would love to hear what you would call it if you knew how many times I have read all the books now. Well how many times I have read them, and listened to them.

  3. The Blackfish(brynden Tully, one of my favorite characters), Bastard of bolton, and the young Frey boys are all missing so far. i wonder how much Martin had to change the storyline to fiT the short seasons. watching the show you don't get an idea of the devastation and suffering happening in the Riverlands. It's only when the mob riots in Kingslanding you see some of the chaos.

    George rr Martin didn't change the story at all for the show, he actually has no control over the show, and that's why they are making such a botch of it. Martin only has a consultant like role in the making of the show, but ultimately if they want to change something, then he has no power to stop them.

    As for the missing characters, some of them have been cut, but they have started casting for Edmure Tully for season three, I know that for sure, so hopefully the Blackfish will be included. I am not sure about the others, I doubt the Frey boys get cast, but Ramsey will get cast for sure.

  4. uhh. Thanks.

    If you truly were spoiled, then I have to wonder why you came on to the forums. I am not trying to be mean or anything, but if you haven't read all the books, it's kind of suicide to go on the forums, because eventually you will get spoiled about something, one way or the other. I didn't dare come on to the forums until I had read all the books three times each. I do feel sorry for you though, but you kind of had to know that Joffrey would bight the dust eventually. You don't do what he does, King or not, and live for long.

  5. Emilia-Clarke_GQ_02Apr12_pr_b_592x888.jpg

    That's picture is so hot, there is just something about it. Emilia Clarke is so sexy.

    I wish I knew how to put a picture in my post, I would post some of the other ones from that photo shoot.

    Here are a some links to a few nice pictures, in that photo shoot.




  6. I thought you watched all her interviews?

    Seriously, they are all in good fun. Just look at that face and those eyebrows!

    Pretty awkward interview

    Lol that's really funny how Dan and Dave will mess with people and write fake episodes, and they had Alfie Allen thinking his character died, getting killed by Bran on the back of Hodor lol.

    Am I the only one that thinks that would be freaking awesome?

  7. Dude, I tried to track back where I got my info, but no luck. It might just be a rumor I've picked up, sorry for spreading it (even though I think I read it on a pretty reliable site). But you gotta chill though, it's not some big conspiracy to stain Emilia Clarke's reputation.

    And don't let her fool you with the interviews about dedication etc. She didn't even dye her hair for the role. Weak sauce imo.

    I personally have watched almost all of the interviews with Emilia Clarke, so i personally believe the interviews about her dedication and stuff, but that was not my main proof against the no nudity thing, and I personally think its fine she didn't dye her hair, the wig works well, probably better than her real hair would, cuz her hair is not that long, and they can do anything to the wig. Although I havent read anything saying she refused to dye her hair, I know she liked the wig, because when she takes it off, she doesn't look like Dany anymore. That way, people aren't always running up to her on the streets calling her Khalisi, or anything, because she doesn't look like Dany without the wig, so I don't blame her for proffering the wig, if that's the case. It might be that they never asked her to dye her hair, and that they always wanted to use a wig, if so I can understand why, the points I made above make sense, to me anyway. I have heard her talk about how she likes the wig though, because when she puts it on, along with Dany's wardrobe, it really puts her into character.

    But my main proof against the no nudity thing, was the fact that she did some nude photos in her photo shoot with GQ magazine, just a few months after filming season two of thrones. So obviously she isn't against going nude, and to me it's obvious she cares about acting and stuff, so if she is willing to go nude for a pointless photo shoot, then I think she would be willing to for acting in a show she really cares about.

    I wasn't trying to freak out on anyone, I was just saying i haven't been able to find any proof for that claim, and while I was looking for proof to back it up, I think I found some to prove it wrong. That's all, I wasn't angry or anything.

    About the purple contacts. It would be awesome if they gave those to the Targaryen's, and I have only ever heard George r r Martin address that issue. He said something like, "have you ever had contacts? They are a pain", to the person interviewing him about the show, when they asked why they didn't have them wearing contacts. So I guess they just didn't want the actors to have to wear them, but I have never heard of Emilia Clarke rufusing to wear them, same goes for Harry Lloyd, the guy that played Viserys. So I wouldn't blame the actors on that one.

  8. I love how nobody has offered any proof for the whole "Emilia Clarke added a no nudity clause to her contract" bs, that was discussed a few pages back. It appears that it was yet again another troll. I have seen a few different people trying to say that now, on a couple of different forums, and everytime when I ask for proof of where someone got that information, they never respond back. In fact, I think I posted some pretty good proof against that outlandish claim, a few pages back in this thread.

  9. Oh, I read her chapters. I just find myself going through a couple chapters and really getting into things, and then one of her chapters pops up and I'm like "fuck, I want to keep reading about the people in Westros. It's 11:30, fuck it, time to go to sleep." I don't know, for some reason I've just never been into her story, and found everyone else more interesting.

    Well I can't call you crazy, because your not the only one who feels that way about her chapters. I personally can't understand it, because I love everyone's chapters, and Dany's are some of my favorites.

  10. I don't even attempt to work out a pronunciation for any of those names.

    Every time I see Daenerys as the front of a chapter, it's time to put the book down for the night. never been interested in her character.

    that saddens me. in my opinion, your really missing out. not just on dany's chapters though, because her chapters can give information for other parts of the story to. i have never understood it, when someone has said they don't care to read the Greyjoy chapters, or the Dany chapters, or the Quentyn martell chapters etc.. To me, it's all gold, and I enjoy every word of every page. Besides, a lot of Dany's chapters in A storm of swords were freaking awesome. I am not going to say all her chapters are better than the others, but the ones in the third book are some of the best, but this is coming from the guy who even loved all her chapters in a dance with dragons.

  11. Words are like wind...

    If you have finished with Martin and need something else to occupy your time, I pretty much enjoyed joe Abercrombie's first law series and follow up novels.

    Once you have read a song of ice and fire, nothing can replace a song of ice and fire, it is known. The only option is to reread all finished books, over and over, and over, for ever.

  12. I can only image how great season 2 would have been if they'd had 22 episodes to work with......

    Battle of Blackwater this week.... I have a feeling it's going to be a huge let down, especially compared to the book. I guess the chain isn't going to play a role in things..... ?

    just finished rereading the first three books, and started into Feast Of Crows again. Hopefully A Dance of Dragons comes out in paperback in August as planned. I'd forgotten how messy things had gotten by this point in the books with the ever growing cast of characters. A name pops up and I have to go online to be reminded who the hell they are.

    That's the beauty of it. That's why every reread only gets better and better. Wait till you get to Dany's story in A Dance with Dragons, you have names like Skahaz mo Kandaq, Hizdahr zo Loraq, and Reznak mo Reznak, those names where a fun challenge to master. I guess you might have seen a few of them at the end of Dany's story in A Storm of Swords.

    Stuff like that is why I love these books, they are not dumbed down at all, and they reward the people dedicated enough to really get into them.

  13. you don't work for got do you pal? haha

    i was just lamenting the fact that you only get 10 eps then have to wait 12 months. I think i might read the books over the next break.

    You haven't read the books! You really should, I started out watching the show and I loved it so much, but when it was over, I couldn't wait until season two, so I got the books, and let me tell you, the show is great, but the books are so much better. I swear, if you read them, you will not regret it, they will literally blow your mind.

    If you do get them though, I wouldn't skip the first two just because you have seen the first two seasons of the show. The show cut out a lot of amazing stuff, and you would be doing yourself a serious injustice by not reading the first two. However, the biggest injustice of all is to not read any of them.

    I agree with you though, those ten episodes are over quick, and waiting for the next season sucks. That's all the more reason why you should read the books though ha ha.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWVa1vTiscc

    fuck 10 ep runs, what happened to 22 episode seasons?

    Most premium television shows don't have more than 10-12 episodes. Regular network shows do the episodes up to the 20's, but shows like True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Dexter, Spartacus, Game of Thrones, etc.. They only have around 10 episodes.

    Game of Thrones would like to do 12 episodes, but right now they literally don't have the money and time to do more than 10. Also, if they want to do more than 10 episodes, then HBO would have to allow it, and right now they only seem to be giving them 10. As the show gets more popular, HBO might give them 12 episodes, and if it gets more popular, they might be able to afford doing more than 10.

    So everybody promote the show!

  15. Emilia Clarke got a clause in her contract that says no nude scenes. Apparently her family got mad at her for exposing too much during the first season. Kinda weird letting her get that clause, it's not like they hired her for her acting... FIRE AND BLUHD!


    Where did you get that information, about Emilia Clarke putting a no nudity clause in her contract?

    I have read a few people saying that on a few different forums, but I can't find anything concreate saying any such thing. So can you please state your source?


    I have not been able to find anything saying this, other than posters on the forums, and until some real proof is given, I don't think I believe the Emilia Clarke no nudity thing, at all. Here is the reasons why, Game of Thrones season two was done filming in December, and just a few months later in March, Emilia Clarke did a photo shoot for GQ. In some of those pictures, she is showing her left breast(nipple included). So why would Emilia Clarke put a no nudity clause in her contract, only to turn around and take nude pictures for GQ a few months later?

    In interviews, Emilia Clarke has said that it was tough doing the nude scenes for season one. However, she also said she was ok with it, because she felt it was really important in those scenes, to show the audience what Daenerys was going through. Emilia Clarke really cares about Game of Thrones, and acting in general, so why would she all of the sudden not want to do nude scenes, when she herself has said that stuff can be crucial to the scene? There is nothing important about taking pictures for GQ, as far as acting goes, so why would she be fine with going nude for GQ, and not Game of Thrones, the later being something she really cares about?

    That's why I don't buy the whole no nudity clause thing. I think people are just jumping to conclusions, for a few reasons. Number one, in season two, they did not have the Qartheen gown like in the books. D&D have actually explained there reasons for not doing that, and none of them have anything to do with Emilia Clarke(they said it would be to distracting etc). Number two, because there has been no nude scenes with Dany this season, people assume it must be because she changed her contract. When you think about it, other than the Qartheen gown, Dany does not really have any nude scenes in A Clash of Kings. At the end of the book, there is a scene where Dany is only wearing the lion pelt that Drogo gave her, and she stands up and lets it fall to the floor infront of Ser Jorah, but other than that, Dany does not really have any nude scenes for book two. So it makes sense that there wouldn't be any in season two, once they take out the Qartheen gown, and considering they hardly have time for anything on the show, I am glad they didn't throw in made up nude scenes just for the sake of nudity.

    So that's why I think people are jumping to conclusions about Emilia Clarke adding a no nudity clause to her contract.

    Here is the link to the video of Emilia Clarke's photo shoot with GQ.


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