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Posts posted by siamese

  1. danced w/ a dude at a bar in brooklyn, he had on a black padded parka, black tall tee, black jeans, and white sneakers. coulda sworn i saw that exact fit on waywt a couple days ago, didn't wanna ask if i've seen him on sufu, too ashamed to tell my roommates


    oh wait that's 1 out of 4 fits


    saw him again literally 3 days later at the same club, du was rockin' the same fit


    come on, now i KNOW it's one of y'all

  2. danced w/ a dude at a bar in brooklyn, he had on a black padded parka, black tall tee, black jeans, and white sneakers. coulda sworn i saw that exact fit on waywt a couple days ago, didn't wanna ask if i've seen him on sufu, too ashamed to tell my roommates


    oh wait that's 1 out of 4 fits

  3. 2yxenpc.jpg


    $13, friday the 13th black sheep

    'oublier' stick n poke done by a friend, barely visible

    'suicide circle'


    i also have '125°' done myself on my left wrist


    need to make an appointment as soon as i have the $ for this piece of a page from gogo monster (by taiyo matsumoto) that i've wanted for years now, wanna do it at east river but they're always booked fuckin 5 months in 

  4. for a while parsons was ruining my life but then i took a semester off and worked intense fucking hours full time at an espresso bar in the chelsea market and now i can't fucking wait to have school begin ass fucking me again


    but life still feels meaningless often

    what i actually do with my life is hang w/ my cat my roommates live on the internet and spend too much money on nyc restaurants

  5. bf said he's not ready to not see anyone else ever again, this is both of our first serious relationship. we agreed upon an 'open' relationship upon the basis of "dont ask dont tell", because neither of us really want to break up at all, but he's young and whatever and just wants to 'experience things' and fuck other girls i guess. reactivated my okc, but have no heart to even sleep with anyone else. i'm okay with this right now but don't know how i'll feel when he actually sleeps with another girl. feels like i'm just waiting for disaster, living in false peace. fuck this. 

  6. other than the hario skerton, are there any other decent burr grinders that aren't $100+? I generally use a chemex and would prefer something that offers decent finer grounds, but it's just so fucking hard to justify spending 2-300 when you work in a coffee shop and can just grind it there, but I end up sacrificing freshness when I have a few days off in a row.. 


    if i can purchase it around nyc that'd be even better

  7. HAHA that guy on the left went to my school last year. not sure where he is now, but bill cunningham had him on the sunday issue for men in hats (he always wears a hat like that)


    lmao julien or something right? i used to see him smoking outside the 2 w 13 building all the time but i guess he's ~werkin professionally~ now in fashion. his fits usually aren't that silly but in that picture it looks a lil ridic

  8. tumblr_mg392aaiRp1qaavwfo1_500.jpgtumblr_mg392aaiRp1qaavwfo2_500.jpg

    always had super long hair due to childhood trauma involving my mother drunk and having too much fun with an electric buzzer when i was 11, but now i've had j-horror style hair for too long and need to find something else to do with it

    my chubby baby fat cheeks won't work with a bob tho

    i dunno what to do

    help me, internet

  9. went on a date today. the guy was super funny and we got along, but i was not attracted to him at all and felt no sexual chemistry. right after, i manned the fuck up and told him straight up that he's chill as fuck but i didnt feel anything, but we got along so well that if hes up to chill and be friends, so am i. he was cool about it, obviously bummed because he was 'super into' me, but very reasonable. i hope i did the right thing in being honest. rejecting people feels terrible, too.

    gonna go watch hausu alone at the village IFC tonight. need to make more friends in ny, cant just hangout with my roommates forever

  10. hi reporting in

    went to some ""alt lit poetry reading""" which was just a bunch of people from the internet reading self deprecating barely-poems and twitter feeds but there were drinks and no one really took it seriously and it was surprisingly a good time and i am happily drunk

    tao lin seemed like an anxiety ridden autistic child though

  11. haleek maul lives across the balcony from me and i make him dinner sometimes in exchange for free shows

    apparently i'm meeting clams casino eventually

    uhm, my childhood friend works for john zorn?

  12. here are the last four pictures taken on my device

    my favorite shelf (akira series, gogo monster, tekkonkinkreet, AX collections, what a wonderful world)

    my phone makes the food i make look so unappetizing
    however; made-from-scratch german chocolate cake

    components to a good night with the roommates:

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