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Posts posted by jameslow23

  1. friend wanted to get a slim pair of apc pns. he usually is a 31-32. would he be fine in a 29 or is that too small?

    29 should be fine. I'm a 33 in a 30 PS. PNS is less slimmer so it should be good.

  2. I'm hoping it doesn't stretch anymore.. I was so worried about the fit because I have big thighs. Thanks a lot anyway


    Well, still hoping to see how this turns out. am interested in the XX011 but wanna see how they turn out. 

  3. Hi guys, recently got a pair of Petit Standards. As brand new, I can button it up completely, but it's tight to the point where I have trouble bending over or walking up stairs haha. I read somewhere on this thread way back that for a good fit you should be able to button everything except the top button, given the stretch. But if I can already do all of them, is that a bad sign? I am not really going for a skin-tight fit though. Thanks in advance for any input!


    Good fit mate. 


    I've got a pair of PS that buttoned up all the way. they're about 2 months in now. the fit is fantastic in the legs. Waist did stretch a little past but i think it might be coz i've lost some weight. Still, a nice belt has helped to minimize the stretch. 

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