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Posts posted by burgerking

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with what everyone has said, but to clarify, I think lozinski and I "hated" on the fact that she's using society as a scapegoat for her own personal mistake.

    I absolutely hate any harm that comes to women and would beat the shit out of any guy that would do that to a person, but when she says that we taught him that it's okay is pointless. Since we all have the power to to get drunk and do whatever we want, we all have the power to take preventative actions against any harm that would befall us. to bring out tangerine's point about making assumptions, I guess it's wrong of us to judge her without knowing the circumstance surrounding the even that took place.

    however, when she puts the blame on society for a personal mistake, that's something I cannot agree with.

  2. really??

    you think its ok to root someone who is completly smashed, incapable of making an informed decision?

    fuckin cavemen

    theres a difference between getting raped and having sex with a guy under the influence of alcohol. there are plenty of things you can do preemptively before getting smashed at a party. she could have put herself in the presence of good company therefore being able to have someone take care of her. she could have controlled her limit on how much she drank. i have a friend that have been actually raped, with no control over her circumstance. I'm all for slutwalk, I think it's a great movement, but the thing that pisses me off about her individual statement is that she's using alcohol as a scapegoat and saying we taught the rapist that it's not the "rapists" fault. please. they're both at fault. I just hate how she's trying to make it seem like it wasn't hers at all.

    and I guess my last statement came off a little too harsh, I did not mean to call her a slut. it was more along the lines of calling her irresponsible.

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