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Posts posted by burgerking

  1. So much for being clutch, eh?

    I remember some of those. fish and gasol. I would still trust Kobe over any of his current teammates. and his teammates should be 7-7 since they're not being doubled or forced into a trap.

  2. recently made a visvim inspired bag for a friend. indigo wabash canvas and off-white suede:

    this is niiceee.

  3. lebron never seemed humble to me. plus his lack of determination and no shows when it really mattered kind of bugged me. he's good I'll give him that, but he can never seem to will his team back to win. yeah he'll help them come back or whatever, but never really go all the way. you never hear anyone repeatedly calling him clutch. and that whole "decision" bullshit was dumb. and I hate his nickname. king james? reminds me of joffrey in game of thrones.

  4. i think they need a whole new team lol. ebanks sucks, barnes is unreliable, jordan hill is meh, steve blake only has hints of brightness, but is too small to take on anyone. the commissioner really fucked us with that chris paul deal. lol.

  5. game four is at staples.

    as much as I want it to happen, they probably won't fire brown until next season, since he'll give them the "but i just got here and they haven't had time to learn the system" bullshit excuse haha.

    there are a lot of back to backs because their series' got pushed to game sevens. always shortened after the fourth game.

  6. as a lakers fan I already know we're going to get swept. our bench is unreliable as fuck. kobe is making our team worse with his lack of defense. pau is the white swan. bynum is an emo little girl. sessions keeps missing shots he should make. ¯\(°_o)/¯

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