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Posts posted by dimmak

  1. what can i say to a depressed friend? my friend is depresed and i really can't find any empathy for how he feels. i've never felt clinical depression and i feel like anything i say to him is just going to make things worse


    I've been through some pretty powerful bouts of depression in the past 5-6 years, and there really is nothing anyone can say to make it feel better. Regardless, though, I know what helped (and still helps) me was just the company with close friends. So my advice is to just be there, even if you aren't talking. Trying to say you understand/reasoning never helps and, in my experience, would actually frustrate me more. To me, it felt like they were downplaying what I was going through, because when you're in that state you really feel so alone and vulnerable. I hope this gives you a little insight, and that your friends gets better soon.

  2. I doubt you'll find anywhere with options for gloss/matte; I don't even know if that's possible. Like I mentioned, it's typically for storage. They cut the foam core to the size of the print, line them up, and shrink-wrap the whole thing. Since the foam core is cut to size, the print stays completely flat and isn't creased/folded, even at the corners. I like to do it bc it looks good and is cheap, you really just end up paying for the cost of the foam core. Any framing store will do it for you.

  3. I've had success getting some of my stuff shrink-wrapped, where they put it against foam core and heat-shrink around the print. It's usually meant for storing posters, but imo it looks good enough to put on the wall, and typically costs $10-12 at a framing store. Here's one of my pieces I've put up this way





    Throw one of these guys on the back and you're set:





  4. Most of the developers where I work use Macs or custom machines, usually running OS X or some flavor of Linux. I know a few who use Macs and have Windows on Boot Camp, but not many. The main reason I want to stick with Mac is the form factor and that I get a pretty substantial discount through my company.

  5. My 13" 2008 MBP is on its last legs so I'm looking to upgrade to one of the newer MBPs. I'll probably go for the retina, but I'm not sure weather the 15" is worth the extra $500. I program for a living and the 13" has been a bit limiting in Eclipse/Xcode, but I don't know if scaling on the 13" Retina will give me the space I need, or whether the 15" is the way to go. Anyone have some insight?

  6. aeropress is pretty damn quick once you have your grinder set, and an electric kettle like the bonvita


    Does an electric kettle really speed up the process that much for you? I tried using a Bodum for awhile, but I eventually just resorted back to a pyrex measuring cup in the microwave. No hassle and I know exactly how long it needs to stay in to get the water to 175 degrees. 

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