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Posts posted by koala

  1. reading the recent discussions in miscellaneous musings. am i strange to want a really bland life when i get older? for the longest time, my goals/dreams in life are to have a stable desk job in a cubicle, come home every night watch tv. and repeat. fuck is wrong with me?

  2. clopek tell me how it goes.

    also for those who are in relationships - what are the major lifestyle changes that have occured for you.. e.g hanging with the boys etc. anyone want to chime in on this?

    mannn you start thinking for two people. you start to make sure that your actions will not harm her or the relationship. your funds will drop, and yes you won't hang with your friends as much. it really depends though, on the girl, and the type of person you are. i've seen both extremes.

  3. had a few apple store representatives at my school seeking for employment. Spoke with one and handed him my resume on the spot. I resubmitted everything on their online website as told. Thinking about going to an apple store and demand to speak with a manager. I want to let him/her know that one of their recruiters visited my school for hiring, that i filled out an application online and i would like to be interviewed. Will this come off too soon and direct?

    apple retail is a company that initially will contact you to touch bases. once they have contacted you for an interview, then you can follow up with them, and show that you are proactive. i would wait for that initial contact, then go from there.

  4. i hate that i'm talking to my ex but i don't know why

    just every time she pulls me back into her world and it hurts and she doesn't mean to but whatever

    srsly stop telling me about your life i just don't care anymore

    but you do care

  5. For the most part I'm entirely happy in the relationship im in, the girls great, totally devoted to me, blah blah blah, I could go on for paragraphs about the good stuff.

    I dunno why, but lately I feel like I've been around her too much. Were always together, and whilst I am happy I feel like it interferes with my life.

    Really don't knownthe tactful way to say we should not see each other so much. Dunno. Meh.

    yeah one of the most important things i've learned from my last relationship is that it is absolutely essential to have your own personal time/space. not only just your own time but have things you do by yourself, or with other people, not with her. once your lives start to fuse in every aspect, that's when you start getting "bored" of the other person and shit starts to become monotonous and blah.

    I would approach it by just letting her know, and your reasoning behind it. before you get too deep in it.

  6. yup.. 3 at sjsu and 2 at de anza.

    got hit by a motorcycle in de anza's parking lot today. hit and run..

    fractured finger and badly sprained wrist.

    i will find him. and then kill him.

    fucking guys out here man. the parking lots are death traps.

    How the fuck are there so many de anza heads on sufu. 07-08 alumni. What whaaaat

    im surprised too

    christ you got hit by a motorcyclist? fuck that's some fucked up shit :( sorry to hear

    ///foothill collegeeeeee

    how's foothill? i hear its way more laxed than de anza. shit is crazy this quarter. craziest i've ever seen it.

  7. i miss the intimacy, i miss sleeping with another human being, i miss the sex. so much of my confidence was attached to her. i have forgotten how to love myself. i miss my girl so much. you don't know what you have til it's gone. i would do anything to have her eyes and her smile on the daily again.

    edit: god I'm such a pussy

    brogina literally telling my story.

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