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killer b

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Posts posted by killer b

  1. made a start on cleaning up the shoes tonight - taking mrs b on a date tomorrow, so it couldn't wait until the weekend.

    looking pretty good after a soap and polish, although they still need a little work...









    the shoe trees are vintage harrods btw


  2. I'm keen to find out as I suspect that these boots will become more and more difficult to find in the future - prices on the AS veldt seem to be dropping on a lot of sites as they clear their stock of 'old' AS in preparation for their rebirth, which would appear to be scheduled for September of this year.

    cheers for the info - he's looking at getting another pair soon, so now's probably a good time to buy.

    do you think they're stopping making veldt altogether with the relaunch?

  3. I'm keen to find out as I suspect that these boots will become more and more difficult to find in the future - prices on the AS veldt seem to be dropping on a lot of sites as they clear their stock of 'old' AS in preparation for their rebirth, which would appear to be scheduled for September of this year.

    cheers for the info - he's looking at getting another pair soon, so now's probably a good time to buy.

    do you think they're stopping making veldt altogether with the relaunch?

  4. dunno if any of you guys will be into this, but i've just un-retired this jacket for the summer (it's too short for wearing with t-shirts, but i've been tucking in shirts a bit lately, which i can just about get away with...)

    it's a denim printed gaultier jeans jacket from the late 90s i think - i've certainly had it more than 10 years.

    pretty cool imo...



    sleeve detail...


  5. old stuff is brilliant. what would the canvas bag be used for?

    bit of a derail, but i mentioned ages ago in the thread about a project at my local museum involving a massive archive of victorian textiles from india (the archive dates from 1866) - the exhibition is now up an running, and they've made a website where you can have a look at all 700 samples - i've been browsing this morning and it's pretty interesting. no denim there as far as i can see though...

    link here: http://tmoi.org.uk/

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