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Posts posted by anklspr

  1. nah dude deer are fucking assholes. used to live where i'd see a few deer every day and they are worse than rats honestly


    my sister also totaled her car running into a deer and consequently into a tree


    turned that fucker into jerky

    no way dude. deers are cute. 

  2. American cheese shouldn't even be classified as cheese though. It's just some processed salty paste in an individual plastic wrapper. 


    the best grilled cheeses are american. sometimes havarti. what do you eat with tomato soup? 

  3. Building off this, people on tumblr who have no fucking idea about any other spectrum of culture/politics and decry everything as "problematic" because they'd rather just pass around online petitions and jack off over identity politics

    yawn.  someone call me a supermember one more time. 

  4. Pretty much all $50 decks are gonna be nice. Just find a shape you like and try to choose a company you can get behind. If that's a local shop or company then that's all the better, but mall brands like Element and Plan B don't need anymore money. If you buy a pro deck, then maybe try to support a pro that doesn't have a giant shoe deal. 

  5. This is small, but when I went to call my parents the other day I dialed the wrong number. The person who picked up on the other end was a sweet old lady, and when I told her that I was trying to get ahold of parents and had the wrong number, and before she hung up the phone, she asked, "Alright, honey, but everything's alright? Are you sure?" It made my day. 

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