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Posts posted by anklspr

  1. Anyone else notice Wade's reaction to being second best on the team is to act like a dick? How many times does Wade get to hit dudes in the face before he loses his good guy guise?

    And, he dresses like twat.

  2. ... It seemed like the refs were calling on attitude instead of actions for a lot that game. It sucks watching a game where the refs have any sort of impact, let alone a playoff game.

  3. Littlemike, I read The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes a few months back... It was an easy read that made me think a bit. The thing is that it's short, so it won't last a whole summer. Definitely enjoyed it though as I do most Man Booker winners (Except The Finkler Question. Didn't like that one.).

  4. Spurs vs OKC is pretty much the finals. I don't see any of the remaining Eastern Conference teams beating either SA or OKC four times. Doc vs Pop could be interesting though...

  5. If that was Blake's tooth going through his face then he must have some snaggly fuckin teeth. I mean, the cut wasn't exactly within most people's bottom teeth range, especially while wearing a mouth guard up top.

  6. quit being salty... we hate the celtics because *we are fans* of the lakers and we appreciate the history of the rivalry...

    Alright, fine. +repped.

    But, your court is still purple...

  7. I'll be glad when the Lakers get eliminated so I don't have to look at their ugly-ass purple and yellow court with hack-ass celebrities in their hack-ass celebrity seating anymore.

  8. Out of curiosity, for those of you hating on Lebron, who do you think is the best player in the NBA? Taking talent, size, stats, injuries, and age into account. Durant? Not trying argue or anything... just wondering.

  9. really, is that what he had in mind?

    It appears that way, yeah. The proceeds from The Decision went to Boys and Girls Club. The lack of an answer up until that point led millions of people to follow the hype to ESPN on the night he announced where he was going. That sent to millions of dollars to Boys and Girls. If their were no ratings for The Decision then the donation to his chosen charity would have suffered.

    Who knew come 2012 he'd be beat out the dog killing Vick as the "Most Hated Athlete?"

  10. Perhaps the way Lebron left Cleveland wasn't exactly awesome, but worse was the way Cleveland and Gilbert reacted was dumb. At least Lebron had charity in mind while he made an ass of himself, Cleveland/Gilbert just acted like a bunch of whiny twats.

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