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Posts posted by thecolosseum

  1. Hi Sufu... 811... 25 days of wear. I am swimming in these jeans. I skipped the initial soak... so I figure the jeans will shrink with soak or washes...but for now I am still holding off the wash despite the not so flattering fit. sized 33 true size 32 or 33 depending.


    DSC_0196 by Mr.JohnCinyo, on Flickr


    DSC_0202 by Mr.JohnCinyo, on Flickr

  2. Corter I hope I didn't offend you or your craft after all you are kind of my Leather Idol as of right now! What I was saying to BORED N LAZY was that no matter what anyone does in art, there is inspiration drawn from other craftsmen. This is done with everything... art is a great example...every artist takes inspiration, themes and techniques from other artist...this isn't copying or being unoriginal it is part of art and the process of creating.

  3. Bored and Lazy.... there can oly be so many templates in this world. no one is completely original! But it is the exact same wallet isn't it?

    good find ! just look at this one every body and their brother sells a version of this one! Nothing is new under the Sun.cardcase_02.jpgcardcase_01.jpg

  4. hey every one who wears stf's...are we going to organize this contest or not...? i have those postals still worn now only two days...like i said ill wait to wear them but.. know one is letting me know if were going to organize this contest. so I will take the initiative, if any one wants to start a STF contest lets start it the day after new yrs. STF's are going for around 25 -30 bucks on the levi's web site after use of promo coupon so if any one wants to join we could set this thing up...prizes could be discussed and we could get this thing going...start date first of the year!

  5. they look good... maybe you washed them and took some of the deep eternal indigo out. they look vintage :) and thats the look most of these japanese repro companies are going for anyways so nice pair. by the way why is this thread lifeless does no one on sufu wear eternal?

  6. my fellow sufu dudes. they are jeans... if they fit then they fit, if they don't then why try to force it especially when they cost a pretty penny. I guess it depends on how loose your you want your jeans. i don't like my jeans to leave a red mark around my waist when i take them off...but thats just me.

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