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Posts posted by kimhwan92

  1. Thank you mikecch.

    If I'm correct, all the jeans are cut true to waist sizes.... so must I size up by two to prevent a death choke? I guess I'll have to lose weight before I place an order. haha

  2. I admire Gun's work and have been seriously contemplating about placing an order.

    Gun's website states fabric #1 shrinks up to 10%. But that's the tendency of the fabric's nature, so I would like to hear and read other people's experience with the fabric's shrinkage

    It would be greatly appreciated if someone provide me with a concrete answer.

  3. Denton, I machine dried my 009's and they are creasing beautifully

    Today, I got into my first and hopefully the last car accident while I was sitting in the passenger sit, wearing my 009's.

    Even during the moment of life or death situation, I was worried about my PBJ's getting bloodied...

    In the end, no one was hurt. I ended up getting few scratches here and there, but none were bloodied. I just feel sorry for my friend..The accident was due to a speedy reckless driver.. not his fault..

    We avoided the car comming toward us, and we swerved into a ditch and ran over a mail box. We almost flipped, but my friend managed to drive back on to the road, but unfortunately, we were going straight toward a guy on his scooter. My friend had to quickly turn his wheel to not hit the scooter, totalling the car as he drove into a wall of a roadside house.

    I'm just glad that no one got hurt in the process. The road was clear, and there werent any kids walking on the side of the road.

    I was glad to see my friend smile, laugh, and even joke around after the accident. He even found a car that he can immediately afford to drive. He's a tough guy.

    Any way... What a shocking experience that was.

  4. 1. The Fit – Straight / Slim / Skinny / Boot ? straight, tapered.

    2. The Rise – Low / Medium / High ? medium high

    3. Button Fly or Zip Fly ? simple buttons(donuts), or high quality zipper

    4. If Button Fly - How many buttons on the rise excluding the top button ?4

    5. Leg Opening ? 7.5~8.25

    6. Inseam 30” / 32” / 34” / 36” ? 34

    7. Do you prefer to cuff your jeans ? 1 / 2 / 3 cuff(s) double

    8. Sanforized or Non ? sanforized

    9. 12 / 14 / 24 Oz. ? 14~21

    10. Rank your favorites (if not listed you may mention) –

    APC, Dior Homme, Levi’s Vintage, Atelier La Durance, Pure Blue Japan, PRPS, Nudie/Nudie Lab, Iron Heart, Skull, Denime, McCoys, Imperial, Lee, Edwin, RRL

    Samurai, PBJ, Studio D'Artisan

    11. Your favorite pair with Brand & Model / Fit name ? PBJ XX-009, deep indigo

    12. Preferred color of Selvedge stitch Red / Blue / Green / Purple / Sliver? Red

    13. Made in Japan / Italy / Doesn't Really Matter ? Japan

    14. Back pocket stitched / Plain / Tabbed / Studded / Embroidered ? Plain

    15. If chose stitched / tabbed / Studded / Embroidered then example of any particular kind you like ? (Images could be helpful)

    Stitched. Levi's arc with diamond.

    16. Pocket Bags Color / Texture / Fabric / Print ? doesn't really matter

    17. Preferred Price ? (of course you pay for quality and craftmanship, so dont be stingy ) >$100 / $100-200 / $200-300 / $300 +

    $200 ~ $300

  5. It's a circumstance that you must always expect ahead of time when you are shopping through internet. If you don't like that idea, it's better off for you to visit local stores...Although a month of delay with lack of communication does sound ridiculous... But I can understand how difficult it is to operate a business by yourself...especially when your business is growing...inconveniences...A lot of them... It's very difficult to satisfy just a single person... so... yeah.

  6. What is wrong with you man?

    Relax a bit, I ordered a few days after you and yet they still have to be made


    He is facing some hard times, so be it.. it is what it is

    Pretty easy for you to scam around an internet forum and complaining how bad his customer service is.

    I'm getting really tired of people like you on an internet forum like this who can only post negative comments!

    Why don't you go make your own pairs then if you can do everything better than he does?

    Shut up man and stop complaining!

    And be smart and change your shipping address in your paypal account

    (or don't, so you have a good reason to scam again on every forum about faulty shipped orders)


    lol. I think you should chill first...talking about who's scamming or not, and who's given rights to necessarily not respond to his customer's complaints because he's going through tough times.

    The customer spent his money, so let him complain. These jeans cost a lot of money and for that price I think a customer is entitled to complain and criticize whenever he feels necessary to do so.

    It's up to you to decide whether to sympathize or complain. Don't conclude your decision as a definite answer and that your way and idea should be apllied to others.

  7. My 009.

    A week of wear stretched these a bit around the thigh.

    One thing that you should know is that, regardless of how short I am (5" 9), my thighs are ridiculously large (25.5 around) . I always have trouble finding the right fit.



  8. 009 is amazing.

    My first impression when mine arrived was: awsome dungaree.

    I gave it a 2 hr. long hot bath on the day of arrival and then another one the next day to get rid of starch content and all the shrinkage out of its way.

    Though, there werent as much shrinkage as I expected, now, the denim is soft enough to be worn without any struggle and walk in without making myself look like a fool with a pipe up my ass.

    I can't wait to witness its evolution. This is my first japanese denim and I am glad to know that I chose this brand as my starter.

  9. Ordered a XX-009 Deep Indigo from BiG yesterday.

    I think they are going to arrive tomorrow.

    Can't wait to give them a warm bath.

    Can't wait to wear the excrements out of them.

  10. I live about 15 mins away from RD factory/store.u They are the reason why I started to wear denims. Im wearing their Alexander work fit right now and they are very comfortable, and thats probably the reason why I decided to disregard the shape of its back pockets. I have huge thighs and even though ive lost some mass around them over the last 4 months of wears they are still very comfortable. Im glad i went into their store to try them on.

  11. Reid, you won't regret it.

    I received my belt today and was very surprised.

    Even though I know nothing about quality-belts, I know for sure this belt, that I have on right now as Im typing, will last me for many years without leaving me any disappointment.

    Thank you Hollows!!

  12. I finally ordered a new belt from Hollows Leather.

    It was very hard to decide and had to consider for months.

    Untill I saw this picture


    All I have to do now is sit down and wait.

  13. I have narrowed down my options..

    Tanner's 13oz golden with brass roller


    Hollow's leather... not yet considered the specifics... but if possible, 14oz will be perfect..

    which one would you prefer? What are the significant differences between these brands that will ultimately make you choose one over another?

    One thing to know is that I'm a newbie... so I will have to learn how to work with leathers...

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