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Posts posted by happinessknox

  1. couldn't help myself, ordered the n&f x oni collab a couple of days ago. I'll get some pics up when they arrive as well as pre and post soak measurements, though unfortunately, I don't expect them until after Christmas.

  2. tempting indeed. anybody who owns the Onis have any recommendations on sizing? I'm a 29 in WG deep indigo, should I size up to 30? The only measurements I can find are from european sites and they state that the waist in the Onis are 33" and that the thighs are 10.25". That sounds more like skinny guy thighs to me which is what I'd like to avoid and even a 32" waist after shrinking seems like it'll be too big. Anyone know if this is correct or if this chart is nonsense?


  3. Got a pair of the original 19oz Elephant SGs in size 30 that are pretty much brand new, only been worn around the house. They fit me but are just a little too slim for my liking. If anyone's interested in them PM me, I can try to get some pictures.

  4. I'm looking for some jeans that fit similar to a size 28 weird guy in deep indigo but are dyed lighter and fade better.

    After some long months with my deep indigo pair I'm not satisfied with how they faded or how dark they still are.

    I wish N&F made the WG cut in Natural Indigo. I think I'm going to have to look at other brands.

    How long have you been wearing them? Mine are looking really great after a little more than a year and one wash. Give it some time. I got a pair of APC PS, and they faded really fast but my WG deep indigos really do look so much prettier.

  5. You don't "have to" soak your jeans when you get them. But if they are getting loose around the waist now, I would suggest doing it. They won't shrink dramatically, but generally about 0.5 to 1 inch around the waist and a couple inches in length.

    I think the Japan heritage are sanforized so a pre-soak isn't necessary. Also, because of that you won't see much shrinkage if you do pre-soak. If the waist has stretched out then yes, soaking will shrink it back down some but you certainly won't lose a couple inches in the in-seam. I'd probably recommend soaking to get them back to their original fit, and then wearing a belt at all times. Seems to prevent excessive stretching for me.

  6. I'm trying to decide between a 31 and a 32 NS.

    The legs on the 31 are painted on (denim leggings), and I can't get the top button fastened. The legs on the 32 are slim but not tight, and I can get all of the buttons fastened with a bit of effort.

    I like the fit of the 32, but I'm worried they're going to stretch too much. For reference, I measured my waist/hips where my jeans sit, and its 35.5".

    I would recommend going with the 32s. If you like the way they fit then I would just wear a belt with them to prevent the waist from stretching too much. As for the rest of the fit, if it's not overly tight it shouldn't really stretch much. On the other hand it just depends how tight you want the fit, if the 31s are super tight on you then they'll stretch to some extent, but I personally don't think it's worth the pain nor the extra stress you put on the seams.

    I could button up my pair of 27 PS all the way when I got them relatively easily and with a belt they haven't stretched too much in a year.

  7. Hmm... elephants aren't even that heavy. Breaking in heavy denim isn't hard at all, and they actually start looking good just as fast as lighter denims?

    I didn't say they were incredibly difficult to break in, merely that they took longer, which they do. The elephant 2s are 21 oz which is about as heavy as I'd like to wear and i think they look silly before they crease, though I'm sure they look great after. Just my opinion, you're certainly entitled to your's.

  8. It would be hilarious to watch someone walk around in them, or better yet run. Or stand up. Or try to get something out of the pockets.

    Hahaha. Yeah, I could see owning them simply for the sake of a collection, but why would you ever want to wear these?! Seeing people try to break in the elephants is hilarious enough to me. They just looks so goofy for such a long time before they start looking good.

  9. Anyone know if size 28 20BSPs would fit well if I typically wear a 27 in APC Petit Standards? I can't seem to find a size chart available for them anymore.

    In case anyone was curious, size 28 20 BSPs will not fit a person who typically wears size 27 PS. Lesson learned.

    Therefore, if anyone wants to buy an almost brand new pair I'll be putting them in the market place or on ebay soon. feel free to message me.

  10. those look nice but the top button hole looks like it's going to cause you a problem in the near future. you can fix it fairly easily though by learning how to do a button-hole stitch.

    here's a link to my petit standards, middle button holes were starting to fray so I just trimmed the frayed portion and stitched up the button hole.


    it's held up like that for more than 3 months with no further issues. I think the most important part is to make sure the stitches are very close together to decrease the likelihood of further fraying.

    the stitch is really simple, youtube has a video that explains it fairly clearly if you're willing to spend a few minutes with a needle and thread.

  11. at about the 10 month mark my petit standards were starting to rip in the crotch:



    Decided it was time to attempt to patch them:



    First time using a sewing machine, I was relatively please with the result. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pictures.

  12. that's pretty much what I'd assumed. I appreciate the quick responses guys. guess I'll just wait until I find something else, can quite justify spending $335 on the Nihons, and frankly I prefer the more narrow leg. I was thinking maybe some 3sixteens, any other recommendations around a $200 budget?

  13. apologies in advance for a potentially repetitive question, however I will pose it nonetheless. I wear 27s in APC petit standards. they're form fitting but not skin tight by any means. upon initial examination of the measurements from context they appear to be pretty damn similar to the measurements of the RN1s in 28 (the only remaining size in that style) on self edge. I realize the major difference here being that APCs are sanforized and the Roys aren't. My questions is this; if I were to acquire a pair of RN1s in 28 do you think that after a soak they would be too small, or would they eventually stretch out to a similar size as my 27 APCs? What if I were to wear them during and after the soak so as to not allow them the opportunity to shrink too drastically? I realize, regardless, that the jeans would be uncomfortable for a bit while they were being broken in, but do you guys think I'd just be setting myself up for a pair or really tight and unflattering pants, or something that would loosen up enough to look good? Fairly vague question I know but I'd appreciate replies from anyone with experience with these jeans.

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