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Posts posted by niix

  1. Noob question,

    I'm looking into getting my girlfriend a pair of PBJ1069. I measured her favorite fitting jeans waist and came up with a 28, so I'm looking into that size for her.

    My concern is the 5% polyurethane for stretch. Does that help prevent any stretching out at all? She's small and petite and likes her jeans to be slim fitting and does not want a pair to eventually stretch out to much. So I need to figure this out when deciding on a size for her.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Your jeans look good for 4 months. Keep wearing them and you'll get there. Just enjoy the ride.

    Thanks man, great advice.

    I get impatient so I always want to speed up the process by washing them, but I'm going to try and stick it out as long as I can.

  3. xpost from flathead thread

    Here are my BSPs @ 4 months, 2 soaks. I work a desk job, so this has been a slow process. Sorry for the tons of pics, this is my first update on these.


    IMG_1728 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1730 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1732 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1733 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1734 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1735 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1737 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1740 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1741 by niixj, on Flickr


    IMG_1742 by niixj, on Flickr

  4. This is from summer 09, i think. So, they're not AS wrecked.


    I, personally, think they're pretty gnarly. Yeah, I would've washed them and had them repaired by Self Edge or something (instead of with duck canvas and fishing line), but that's not really dude's style.

    lol Chris Roy

    I got tattooed by the same guy who blacked out his arm, in fact I think I was there on one of the sessions.

  5. Soaking instead of washing would HELP maintain them, but I still think you'd mostly lose them. Wait until fades develop then you don't have to worry about losing them.

    Yeah I'm at about 4 months now and thinking are starting to come through finally.

    Basically what you're saying is where the fade is, the denim is weaker therefore it should crease back in that same spot as long as the fade is developed?

  6. Yay! Let's rehash the phone fades saga again! Seriously, think about it, $$$ phone and your sitting on it all day? Oh, you can take it out, then what, you leave it somewhere... Or you could put it in your front pocket and leave it there all day! Why to people care? Oh that's right, the SuFu Fashion Police are out! Where the fuck are the Sufu Anti Wallet Fade Gang? I'd love to see both meet sometime in a dark alley and see what happens...

    His jeans look dope! +rep

    Agreed jeans to look dope.

    Sorry if I offended you, it was just a suggestion because he said he doesn't know where else to put it...

    I personally find it uncomfortable to have my phone in my front pocket (actually I find it uncomfortable to have anything in my front pocket) and tend to utilized the back left pocket. Thankfully I've yet to leave a phone anywhere..

  7. Noob question ahoy!

    I'm looking for a pair of new jeans, I've previously worn APC Petite Standard size 29 and the fit me great (although they easily torn in the crotch)

    What model is the one that most similar to Petite Standard, and what size should I pick up in said model? Thanks for your valuable input.

    From what I gather the xx-013 and xx-011 are the slimmer and most tappered cuts.

    Peep the sizes on www.blueingreensoho.com

  8. I can't seem to find enough fit pics of the XX-011. I'm looking for something similar to my Flat Head BSPs. Looking at the sizing of the one wash, I'm in a toss up between the tag size 31 or 32. I purchased my BSPs in a tag size 34, fit was perfect post soak...but waist is a bit big now after some wear.

    Edit: after looking seems the XX-013 may be more what I'm looking for

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