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Posts posted by murdock

  1. yesterday after school i went to town as i went to park my car a fight broke out, 30 girls from my school videoing 1 girl from my school and a girl from another school fight, at first i thought they were just pulling hair until i saw a chunk come out in one girls hand and fists started flying, i walked into the middle of it and pulled the cats apart, one went to hit me but one of my students stopped her and told her shed be fucked if she did, now there will be video of me going 'now would the lot of you just fuck off'

    why do i still say video

    tg, please post when this recording hits youtube lol!

  2. stop making me update your stupid software itunes. i dont care for these miscellaneous and minor changes that you want me to download each week.

    So true also on your Macbooks there's a update of something every other day and you can only postpone it for so long until you have a shitload of updates that'll take like 20 min to install...wtf!

    *I hate when fat women try to squeeze in an empty seat on the train when they know for damn sho yo ass takes up 1 and a half seats! Then they get off at the next stop 2 min later!

  3. going to a huge party tomorrow night which one of my best friend is hosting. this girl who hella hates me is gonna be there, but i don't give a shit. planning on wearing doc martens to efficiently jump kick some a bitch if necessary. everyone's got my back, but i'm not worried. i mean i woulda beat her ass the first time if she tried to swing at me.

    Good luck, watch out for the hair pulling. I hate when girls do that in fights, well except for the one time I saw a girl effectively pull a girls hair and slam her head against a brick wall. That was pretty cool...

  4. What do you guys think? should I get these hemmed? Or will they settle after some time? Like I said these are my first pair of raws and I didn't think the stacks look good bunched up at the shins.

    excuse the phone pics...



  5. I agree if you don't have to eat fast food, I would definitely recommend finding other options besides the corporate chains. There's so many great cheap spots you just gotta plan it out. Try Shake Shack Burgers, lot's of people love it.

    Also if you're taking the subway you can use hopstop(dot)com, that will give you directions to get around.

  6. Heading to New York for Rock the Bells this year.

    Never been to the States before, let alone New York. So I really don't know much.

    Gathered up a few spots from the various threads but anything more current would be appreciated.

    I have my eye on fast food places we don't have in the UK such as White Castle, Popeyes, In n out etc + local places or whatever we find on the way.

    I'm on a student's budget and i've yet to find accommodation. Will be looking for a cheap hotel, so if you guys have any suggestions that would be awesome.

    Anything cool that I may not otherwise know about?

    Thanks in advance..

    Oof you're trying to pack on some extra baggage with the states fast food huh? There's White Castle and Popeyes but no In N Out :( (only in Cali). Try out Five Guys Burgers, Greys Papaya a famous hotdog chain here, street kabobs, and there's a pizza shop on every block. There's definitely a lot of places to eat on a budget. I've seen a few hostels here in NYC that a lot of foreigners stay at so I'm assuming that's pretty cheap. Try googling it...good luck and enjoy NYC.

  7. Op, honestly you're not going to be able to do a majority of the touristy stuff you've listed. You should stick to a few of the major ones, like Times Sq (at night), Empire State, Statue of Liberty. 2 days is not enough time, you should check out the tour buses that go around the city.

    If you want to shop on Madison/5th ave and in Soho that's gonna be half a day already. Plus you gotta eat!

    Subway is completely safe, unless you plan on going to the bronx at 2am...Taxi to LGA is going to be like $50usd w/ toll and yes they're everywhere. Map out what you're going to do for the day and use hopstop (dot) com. It'll tell you what trains to take and if there's any service delays. Good luck and enjoy NYC it's going to be a quick 48hrs!

  8. These are going to be my first pair of raws. I just bought the 32" tapered cut. Sized +1 seems all they had were even sizes. Fit doesn't hug my ass too much which is nice. But I might take off a couple inches cuz the stacks are too much at the bottom (good idea or no?). I'm usually a 31x30. Can't wait to see how these turn out with time.

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