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Posts posted by SDES

  1. I can't mow the lawn today, my hair is too dirty/messy - what if one of the neighbours sees me? Or someone who is driving past? Showering before mowing is just illogical and I don't want to wear a hat. I need to work out this afternoon anyway.

  2. sitting in quiet study area when my stomach will not stop fucking rumbling. ocassionally sounds like a fart. fuckin embarassing.
    Even worse - in the middle of an exam, while sitting next to a cute gurl. Hopefully she thought it was kawaii and is dtf etc.
  3. fuck, akinator sure does blow my mind sometimes.
    Goku... Goku

    Gianna Michaels... Gianna Michaels

    Maria Ozawa... Maria Ozawa

    Chloe Sevigny... Chloe Sevigny

    Lil B... Soulja Boi

    So 4/5 lol... First time this has actually worked for me.


    Giaan Rooney... Franziska van Almsick

  4. Wanted to show someone the oldest sufu poster ever but I forgot (at the time) sonicvoodoo's username - lurklurklurkrurkl the waywt thread, find him, but his photobuckets are deaddddd. :mad:

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