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Posts posted by yliafp

  1. Personal taste: Fullcount, Warehouse, Samurai, Flat Head, Indigoskin, ...

    ive definitely looked at a lot of flathead and samurai and find myself liking IH fades more

    but you're right, it really is just personal taste haha

  2. I have to agree here. There are brands that fade much "better" than IH. It seems that these are very tough to break in

    what brands? i really thought IH's generally had the best fades ive seen

  3. can i point out that as logical as kiya sounds, i dont think he could have an unbiased response to this?

    I can understand why Roy would need to increase the price to make full-time jean making a viable career choice, but how would you guys feel about the price increase if he did not collaborate with SE?


    this isnt a challenge or debate or anything, i'm really just curious

  4. this is my grifter fit, the top button pop out, and the second top going to pop up to... hahaha

    what do you thing guys? when i sit, i fill so tight..


    what should i do with the top button?

    how long have you had your grifters? mine are also really tight im crossing my fingers that they stretch more

  5. i know this is going to sound silly but if you switch to banana hammocks it'll fix yliafp has with his underpants... i'm betting he had a difficult time buttoning cause his underpants kept riding up. fit is good yliafp.... switch the undies so you dont get a muffin top

    didnt know what a banana hammock was until i looked it up

    can i buy some on amazon?

    thanks for the input though, i'm leaning more towards keeping these now!

  6. Got my grifters today!

    they're really tight, but i can button them up after considerable effort..should i count on them stretching out?

    and by tight I mean it's hard to even bend my knees

  7. Hi guys,

    I have a pair of sugar cane hawaiis that I don't want anymore. They are practically brand new with only 3 wears.

    Here is the link to the jeans http://www.selfedge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=280

    And here are some quick pictures I snapped


    There you can see a hidden rivet poking through and starting to fade, that was from sitting down on concrete with them.

    And here is the whole thing, they have not been altered at all.


    I don't check my PM inbox too often so please shoot me an email at mike6789 [at] gmail

    Thanks for looking, I am asking for $200, this is $100 less than MSRP so i'm pretty firm on it... let me know if you are interested :)

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