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Posts posted by mtchfrnk

  1. Anyone on here have a Lee 91-B Jacket? One of my favorite out-of-left-field vintage patterns. Pictures of them on the 'bay usually suck, so I'd really dig some nice detail shots...for me to covet.

  2. The wikipedia article is pretty informative, though not very well supported by citations. "Naught duck" is a pretty cool term to know, though.

    It's interesting that the loanword "doek" comes (according to WIki) from Dutch, but over the years it's been conflated with the animal duck, and waterproof properties have been attributed to the fabric. That's my theory anyways.

  3. they dry out on one of Bernadette's oven racks...

    She sure donates a lot of kitchen equipment to the cause.


    My bandana came in the mail yesterday. I have been neckerchiefing it since then. I really love it AND the packaging it came in. The Hill-Side guys call the cards "belly-bands" which is a word I want to work into everyday conversation.

  4. Duck Digger fit pics... The re-enforced crotch makes for a nice, err, shelf! :o

    Those pants are so great. I saw an old customized duck work apron on the 'bay that had leather pocket reinforcements like those. It did not have a ball-shelf though; that feature should be included in more items.

    I was sporting the Left Field Canvas trousers (duck in my opinion-- maybe not Paul T's though).

    Where does this debate stand, now? Any definition agreed upon?

  5. I'm using Japanese UNIVERSAL copper dome rivets. I'll get into why I'm not a fan of hidden hip-pocket rivets some other time...

    Why aren't you a fan of hidden hip-pocket rivets?

  6. Distribution beginning to pick up! Available now at Unionmade and Douglas Fir and Unionmade out west; great product pictures up at Hickoree's Hard Goods. Rest of line will be available at Hickoree's as the week progresses, I gather.

  7. Hey, I guessed right.

    Don't wan't to sound like a broken record, but I'm not saying they should cost less, or that Christophe made them for that reason. Was just speculating, from the standpoint of shall we say a "lower-income household."

  8. Am I the only one disappointed that MF is doing a 5-pocket jean?

    Not disappointed, but very curious. I don't think Christophe would do something by rote. In interviews he's said something like, "why make a five-pocket? why reinvent the wheel?" So if we take him at his word, then he must have come up with a really good reason to reinvent the five-pocket.

    I wonder, speculatively, if this will be an opportunity to own an "affordable" pair of MF pants. I mean, plenty of five-pocket jeans cost $450, but they don't need to. I believe that all the other MF pants need to be as expensive as they are. Maybe with a more standard design he can keep the price down a bit (not that that is or should be a priority). Reading the blurb about them, this probably won't happen. MUSA, deadstock denim, "loaded with details."

    At the end of the day, I just want to know the details.

  9. EDIT: I just noticed that in the first post Miza said No Sneakers Allowed. I would plead ignorance but I can never remember if it is a good excuse or not...

    Hey man, those are Converse? Sry for the dumb question, but I've never seen them here in europe before. Plz gimme some more details, thx in advance!

    Yeah, they're Converse. Mine are old, I bought them via auction. Converse just recently started selling them again here in the US, along with some other interesting older models. I guess they are "revisiting their archives." You can even design your own. They're also online at Macy's and Footlocker.

    I also noticed a few NOS pairs at www.goodhoodstore.com.

    Okay, that is enough links. PM me if you want more info.

    PS - what do you think of my ankle, Doctor? Will I ever dance again?

  10. Sorry for the overbig pictures. WIll downsize them momentarily. [Edit: done. They used to be so big. You should've seen them.]

    Incidentally it seems like canvas shoes don't get much love on this thread. But there's definitely room in my closet for old ratty cotton shoes.


    I'm currently wearing one half of a pair of NOS Converse Skid Grip CVOs. The left one fucking rules so I assume the right one will be pretty good once I can put it on. I was never much of a converse kid but I really love these.


    Incidentally I don't think I can afford the resoling for my orthopedic boot. It would have to be prescription and I don't have health insurance. But I am thinking of changing out the laces on these dogies. Any input? I'm thinking maybe gold lame'?

  11. A post about the boots that saved my ankle. They were made by Chippewa probably 30-35 years ago. When I got them from ElectroBay they looked like this and I was so stoked I wrote a blog post about them. We've all been there, right?


    Then the other day 1000lbs of dance floor fell over on me, and my ankle looked like this.


    Luckily that ankle was inside this boot.


    All that weight falling on it gave it a nose lift. What a punum. Here's what the couple look like together.


    Notice the right boot is still making a scrunched up bitter beer face. Thank you boot. Without you I would have a metal plate in my leg.

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