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Posts posted by ke1

  1. Evans wins it via TKO is my initial response w/o much thought. Most likely unanimous though.

    Tito hasn't shown drastic striking improvement throughout his 13 year career. Granted, he did stun Bader nicely, but imo his form in that punch and his history of having sub-par striking keeps me pretty confident. Plus, you can't tell me he improved that much with a hollow training camp like he had last fight.

    As for his wrestling, I don't want to make assumptions, but I saw him getting handled by our 19 year old junior college heavy weight wrestler 1 1/2 years ago. And even though I believe he wrestled fairly well against Rashad the last fight, that memory is something that keeps me doubting him.

    My heart says Tito, but my wallet says Rashad. Will have to rewatch their past 5 fights to get a more accurate prediction.

  2. Afterthought during shower:

    Is it not undeniable that the athletes of every sport today have transcended considerably both in talent and athleticism over those from 30 years ago?

    Then why is Bruce Lee still heralded as a freak of nature phenomenon? MMA is put on the back burner because it's still in its infancy (<20 years), yet people expect from it skill and showmanship as if it were around forever. NBA and NFL have been around for 60 and 90 years.

    I say this because people see MMA, and most times "sloppy" MMA, and see less talent than there really is. Then they see Bruce Lee, a master of a single martial art, JKD. But what these same people fail to realize is that MMA is the implementation of NUMEROUS martial arts, therefore making it 10x more complex to execute and defend attacks. The point I'm getting at, is that had GSP stuck to Karate, or Shogun to Muay Thai, or BJ to jiu-jitsu, these men would be seen as levels higher in their own respective sports than they are in a sport that is a conglomeration of many martial arts.

    So a kindergartener would phrase it like this, comparing Bruce Lee to GSP is like comparing a runner to a triathlon competitor.

  3. All the video above states is that Bruce Lee wasn't against pulling hair, gouging eyes, biting opponents, groin strikes, pretty much anything you would consider "dirty" or "cheap" in today's standards of fighting. Thus, he was a "fighter" and not a "competitor". A round-about answer to try and justify Bruce Lee as being greater than he ever was. The guy flat out says he would put his money on Lee against any fighter, and weight division. While the general consensus might not be THAT extreme, it still embodies how the much the masses overrate his abilities.

    I don't want to devote tooooo much time to this, but I'll just transcribe what comes to mind. Disregarding Lee's physical stats (because 165 or 145, he'd still be vastly undersized), Lee simply didn't have sufficient training in enough martial arts to compete in today's circuit, let alone against GSP. True, Bruce was quick and agile, but I can't believe for a second he had the one hit, punch of death, power to knock out/stun a man of GSP's size and strength. With that said, in a fight, GSP would be able to get into a clinch sooner or later, and take him down with ease. From there, Bruce Lee's limited jiu-jitsu training (both defense on offense) would stand no chance to GSP's skill and sheer size. If GSP completely nullified BJ, a bigger and vastly more skilled BJJ practitioner than Bruce Lee, he would have no problem with Lee.

    Going back to the striking aspect, Bruce Lee wouldn't be able to dance and evade GSP as easily and frequently as most would suggest. The man was quick, but wasn't a goddamn ghost. Say he wanted to run the entire time, he would have to engage at one point or another. If Bruce stood far and leaped in with his infamous side kicks, they would be telegraphed and caught/taken down. If he ever dared to stay in the pocket, his stance would be too linear with his front foot forward, leaving it available to single leg takedowns at the very least.

    And this argument gets thrown out there every time, but if JKD was as amazing as everyone claimed it to be, why is there not even ONE mildly successful practitioner of it in MMA. From what I can see, JKD has a lot of interlocking hand sparring where you're face to face with your opponent and you rock your hands back and forth and attack/counter off of that. There is no fight scenario where you would be lucky enough to get that close and have that much control over your opponent without getting punched in the face.

    How educated are you in MMA and how much personal experience do you have in wrestling/boxing/muay thai/jiu-jitsu and actual sparring? I just want to gauge how legitimate your questions are.

  4. Just had my first car accident a couple hours ago. It was a sun-in-eyes, bitch braked out of nowhere, I braked hard as fuck but it slid 15 feet anyways, and I rear-ended her kind of accident.

    I have liability coverage so I'm not sweating the cost coming out of my pockets, but fuck, this car was literally supposed to last me 10 years and it's gone in barely over a year because it's more than likely totaled. Goddddddddddddamnit I fucking loved that car...

    edit: how the fuck am I getting to work tomorrow...

  5. You realize uncooked ramen is just un-boiled...ramen right?

    There's a demand for it and a wide variety of korean ramen noodles that are meant to be eaten uncooked, and that can't even be cooked if attempted.

    More than anything, I hate how angry you're getting at such a trivial subject. And also, why are you sharing this with us?

  6. Don't trip. It's only "sad" in the first place if you're trying to compare it to the conventional romantic view of how relationships are supposed to be formed. Sure, the aid of technology allows one to interact with others through a medium that buffers out awkwardness. But in your case, I'd say shits gonna be 10x more awkward once you two meet up with the realization that yall met through fb. And if you can get past that, that's a testament to the size of your webos and proves you could probably do the same irl.

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