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Posts posted by umamimon

  1. Just wanted to test the waters here. I recently purchased a pair of F380s in a size 34 from SESF. Post soak the cut was a little different than what I was looking for. These have been soaked twice in succession, never washed, and worn for 4 days... basically brand new. No fades anywhere.

    I paid over 320 (stupid taxes) and I'd like to get about 225 or so back for them

    If you are interested, shoot me an email at [email protected] or leave me a PM here. I am located in Los Angeles



    Post soak measurements:

    waist: 17.5 in

    inseam: 36 in

    upper thigh: 12.75

    leg opening: 8.75

    front rise: 11 in

  2. haha unfortunately that is indeed my true waist >.< lots of biking when i was younger left me with some pretty 'athletic' thighs as well. I did a warm soak earlier and the fit isn't too shabby. I'm doing another soak in hotter water right now and I think I'm going to be pretty happy with the results.

    I did indeed go for the F380s (slim straights) because of the more generous cut. I got tired of my sized-down-too-far APC jeans killing my leg circulation and sperm count =( My thighs are about 25 inches in circumference at the widest part at the moment so i figured the 13 inch across pre-soak thigh measure of the F380s would be ideal. Even if i lose 15 lbs, this leg muscle isn't going anywhere so i don't F310s are in the cards =(

    thanks alot for all the replies. really appreciate it! ^____^

  3. Just got a pair of F380s in a 34. How do they look for a pre soak fit? I have pretty big thighs and my true waist is about a 35 but im trying to slim down a bit. Right now before a soak i can pull them down a few inches fulling buttoned but not all the way off





  4. so the seams on the outer side of my thighs are getting bigger and bigger... the denim on this area does not seem to be stretching fast enough. the fit is still too tight in this area and im pretty sure that if they dont burst, they will at least be too unsightly to wear in public.

    is it possible to shrink the seams down? if not is it easy to get the thigh area re-seamed.

    gahhh i need to lose weight

  5. Just got a pair of new standards and sized down two. I have a few issues though. They are super tight in the thighs and im wondering how much they tend to stretch out. I think ive been forcing it a bit too much because the white seams on the thighs are starting to show. Will these seams shrink back to normal once I wash them and it shrinks a bit? Thanks

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