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Posts posted by Unclegrandfather

  1. When you buy a tin of breath mints more for the fade it will make rather than because you want fresh breath.

    BTW, Altoids makes a product called "Altoids smalls" which comes in a tin that is the same size and shape as a Zippo, and it fits perfectly into the coin pocket. The edges are sharper than those of a Zippo, which creates better fades, and best of all it's completely useful. Plus, maybe you like to promote the fact that you have fresh breath more than the fact that you smoke cigarettes

  2. What is the design on the APC button? At first I thought violin and bow, but after closer examination it looks more like a guitar and a turkey baster...

  3. The starch is a good thing. It help set the creases. Denim softens considerably by the first week, and after you finally wash them they'll feel completely different because the starch washes out. A lot of people re-starch, but this can end up making the fades look too defined and unnatural.

  4. um...ive had my new cures for about 3 weeks now

    and theres been a comfortable stretching and all...but does it take longer for the ankles/calf area to soften up? i feel like my stacks havent been progressing as fast as the other areas like the thight and waist have...is it just because those areas are less exposed to wearing? how long does it take for your apcs to really soften up and have some nice stacking?

    Stacks are the last thing to show wear. My New Cures didn't show much difference until after your 2nd or 3rd wash (more than half a year), whereas my back pockets, lap, and knees faded much earlier. What makes denim look great is the different levels of contrast that develop at different times. Keep pushing the fabric down so it bunches around your ankles and eventually the creases will set in. If you want to make a CONSCIOUS effort (a moral grey area), cross your ankles a lot when you sit down.

  5. it's perfectly normal. it's just a natural property of the denim

    The denim twists because of the twill weave. If you buy a broken twill weave (zigzag pattern due to the direction of the diagonal being reversed after a few passages of the weft) it may prevent twisting. My NC have twisted about 90 degrees on the right leg, but my NS haven't twisted at all. Weird.

  6. When you've stopped and rewound to verify if that was indeed a selvedge cuff on that girl's rolled-up short shorts in a 1950s movie you're watching.

    -Example: The escaped convict women in the Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie Diamond Swamp.

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