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Posts posted by RAM1988

  1. hey all. trying to decide for my next pair.. currently own Nudie Slim Jim Dry Japans, APC NS's, and FH 1001s. For my next purchase, trying to decide between Samurai 710s and Iron Heart 301s. Based on fit pics and looking at measurements, looks like the IHs are a bit slimmer, but both pairs are essentially slim straight.

    What do you guys think I should go for based on overall construction, fading properties, etc? thanks in advance.

  2. ignorant question, i'm sure.. enlighten me please:

    is the only motivation to order from 2nd or rakuten over BiG to get the pocket arcs? I was told by BiG that the new white tab isn't removed from the denim, but the pockets are blank. this said, just trying to reconcile why so many people buy sammies directly from overseas.


  3. just soaked my size 32 lot 13 710s. went TTS on these. had 1" taken off of these, presoak. still some shrinking in the leg left.


    cool man. mind if i ask where u got urs from? and will BiG sammy's have the white tab?

  4. my FH 1001s are extremely snug in the thighs since a single luke-warm soak.. they've got about 4 weeks wear and don't seem to be stretching much. I've noticed the outer seam in the mid-upper thigh has slightly but visibly seperated farther apart than the rest of the seam along the leg. movement is extremely restricted. Should I do a short "local" cold soak and wear them while drying? Or is there a less inconvenient way to hedge against potential damage?


  5. Hi guys. gotta question for ya.. to what extent are the following pieces related in their cut/style:


    IH 301

    Samurai 710

    I'm interested because I enjoyed how the imperials fit and looked when I was in self edge soho a few months back. I'm interested in going with a heavier denim though. since i haven't tried on the IH or samurais, can anyone provide some color on how similar/dissimar the three are? Also, what can be expected in terms of quality, fade, etc? thanks in advance guys.


  6. LC those are sweet. I kind of wish I had bought a pair of those, but I think they were sold out in February.. question: is it an awful idea to take my 1001s (which have a modest 4 weeks wear) and taper in the leg opening a little to look more like the SEXFH05s?


  7. yep i'm experiencing the same thing.. waist stretches out considerably, while the thighs remain snug.. this is only 2 weeks after having purchased em though.

    generally, is it a good/bad idea to dart the waist in a bit if it stretches out more?

  8. I found these boots I really dig on a sale on Gilt.. only problem is they're just a prop (not for sale) and I can't get any info on the designer, model, etc.. I figured you all are pretty well-versed on this stuff so I'd give it up for you to try to take a stab.. any one have any idea what these could be.. or, alternatively, the closest thing that's on the market today?




  9. right, I suppose it would be concealed most of the time..

    unrelated: I luke-warm soaked my 1001s when I got em about 2 weeks ago.. have worn about 5 times or so since. will they stretch out a bit? they're pretty damn snug in the thighs, so wonderin what I should expect to happen with more wear.. thanks.


  10. question: are you able to modify the back leather patch such that the belt goes under and thru it? I've seen pics in the IH thread, but wasn't sure if it's safe to do this with the FHs.. I've gotta pair of the 1001s..


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