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Posts posted by tone

  1. sean_ just checked out the tracks, i like it. nice to hear bands playing some good ol hardcore. nice to hear some good hardcore out of toronto aside from urban blight. truthfully i've just been sad since the kill decibel broke up.. naysayer monday though.

  2. took stan out for a walk by Georgian Bay in Lake Huron. f84b2dbc.jpg

    Lots of snow but nice and warm. 63dac438.jpg

    I think he was looking for a good place to pee.


    got to bust out the spring jacket


    then realized eventhough its warm doesn't mean i shouldn't be wearing my boots

  3. apparently my post on here was taken the wrong way with lots of neg rep... just want to clarify wasn't trying to knock mcqueen at all. i absolutely love his work, every runway show of his i saw was incredible. i guess i made a a poor joke that was taken the wrong way, sorry to those who i offended?

  4. i love all the "Canada" outfits lately! its warm and i can finally get out on my skateboard up here in the great (not as white) north.


    picking up this jacket (doing some backpacking through europe in the summer and need to stay dry). I bought the light blue one but just saw the navy online. might return and switch. what's sufu's opinion, navy or light blue.

  5. My jeans and I were bored today so basically random wanderings.


    started off with a coffee. I love roll up the rim. I hope I actually win this year.


    Stan hopes I win this year too.


    Why not.


    My city mostly sucks. This bridge is the only cool thing about it.


    Then I found a converge Jane Doe face on a post.

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